A Peek Into Nicolas Cage’s Life That Proves Why Being a Single Parent Doesn’t Limit Your Possibilities

3 years ago

Nicolas Cage is an actor who generates many mixed feelings among audiences. For many, he is one of the best of his generation, while for others, he is someone with a tendency to overact. Whether you like the way he works or not, it’s undeniable that he is a person with a very peculiar life, much like the characters he plays.

Bright Side reviewed how the experience of being a single father changed Nicolas Cage and the impact it had on his life.

Weston Coppola Cage was born in 1990, a result of the marriage between the well-known actor and actress Christina Fulton. He carries his father’s original surname since, as it is known, Nicolas decided to change his surname from Coppola to Cage because of the weight it carries in the world of cinema (he is the nephew of the acclaimed director of The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola), inspired by Luke Cage, a well-known Marvel hero.

The flame between Cage and Fulton was short-lived, as they broke up 3 years after they met, despite having a child together. Thus, the actor had to raise his child alone for a long time, in one of the best moments of his career, which he described as an experience that changed him completely. “I’ve been a father for 19 years and I realized that fatherhood has changed me. After having a child, I went in another direction,” he said in an interview.

The actor had the opportunity to reflect on what this experience meant to him when he starred in the film, Knowing, in which he played a professor who had to carry out a fundamental task for the destiny of humanity while caring for his son in solitude. For Cage, this role proved to be a catharsis in every sense, as it took him back to when he experienced the same thing with his first child. “Some of the lines in our scenes (with his son in the film) came from direct memories of my times with Weston. I had been looking for a way to express those feelings for a long time,” he said in an interview.

The roles of single fathers in Hollywood are pretty stereotypical, as they’re usually associated with a mother. When speaking on this topic, Cage was quite blunt about what his role in such a film meant: “I know there’s a gender bias depending on which lawyer, psychologist, or family therapist you talk to. It’s like there’s a full moon if a father wants to see his son. That’s not true. Just because you’re a man doesn’t mean you can’t raise your child. I believe families should stay together, but if you’re a single parent, don’t give up, no matter what they say.”

Weston, for his part, decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and immerse himself in the world of art, both in acting and music. He founded a heavy metal band, Eyes of Noctum, and had some appearances in films such as 211 and Get Gone. At 31 years old, with 4 children from three marriages, he continues to develop his artistic life, undoubtedly with the great influence he received from the great artist, his father.

Do you think the experience of being a single parent is well represented in movies?


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love Nicholas Cage but with relation to single fathers they are Not represented well anywhere. Equal rights should be exactly that..Equal!


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