What about the girls? Do they study any "manly" activities there?
A Spanish School Teaches Household Chores to Boys, and It’s a Brilliant Initiative Against Gender Inequality
Ironing, sewing, and cooking are basic tasks that most people learn at home. But it’s totally different when a school offers this as an additional class, so that the students, particularly boys, build values in regards to gender equality and break the stigmas they face when doing these activities. That’s what the Montecastelo School of Spain teaches its students: “Equality is learned with facts.”
We at Bright Side have been interested in every detail of this initiative, and decided to share it to motivate other institutions and children to practice it.
Housework regardless of gender
The school announced that it would include lessons in home economics, among other subjects. During these lessons, its male students would be taught to do tasks like ironing, sewing, cooking, and other manual activities like carpentry, masonry, plumbing, and electrician skills.
“It is not that difficult.”
Gabriel Bravo, the coordinator of these activities, explained to a newspaper that all the activities were carried out because, “Cooking was fine with them, but when it came to sewing or ironing, some of them smiled in disbelief. Curiously, when the activity began, they realized that it was an activity that a man can do perfectly and that it is not that difficult.”
Breaking stereotypes
These lessons can help students realize that these are simple activities that both men and women can do if they just follow a few simple steps. Mothers and fathers have also gotten involved with teaching these lessons at the school.
A life lesson you’ll never forget
“They had a certain reluctance, but they embraced it with a positive attitude. For some it was the first time that they had an iron in their hand,” said Bravo during an interview.
What do you think about this initiative? Do you know another school where similar classes are being implemented? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.
This is really great idea, these guys will be such a help for their future wives ?
I would say these skills are useful for men too.
There is a stereotype that men shouldn't cook and iron and other things, and it's a women job.
I don't agree, I love cooking and my family enjoys eating what I make
In India most of the schools private and government have home economics or home science as a subject for all students irrespective of gender. Though other subjects were given more importance but my students awaits for this class. They all are enthusiastic in learning household chores in more scientific manner.Its a step towards building healthy nation with good human beings.
I went to a school that taught home economics aka home ec. It was an elective and boys and girls took it. I think it's a great class for every school in every country. I think it should be mandatory, not elective,though.

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