A Widow Wakes Up From a Coma After Hearing Her Late Husband’s Voice: “No Room Upstairs for You”

Carole Attle claims her deceased husband saved her life after she was hit by a bus. While some may dismiss it as coincidence, a hospice nurse, Julie, sheds light on a phenomenon called “visioning.” Let’s see how this can possibly happen.

After an accident, a woman fell into a coma for 5 weeks.

Carole Attle, a widow, claims that her deceased husband intervened and saved her life when she was hit by a bus while shopping in Stockton-on-Tees. Carole suffered serious injuries, including bruising throughout her body, a broken eye socket and nose, 3 broken ribs, and a brain bleed. However, she survived.

She was placed into a medically induced coma and transported to James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough after being hit by a bus on July 28th of the previous year. She spent a total of 5 weeks in intensive care, during which she claims to have received a visitation from her late husband, David, who passed away in 2019 at the age of 74.

She noted that her late husband said, “Get yourself pulled round and fighting and get out of here.”

Carole says that David encouraged her to “keep fighting” during her stay in the hospital because there was “no room upstairs for you”. “After that, I know nothing until 5 weeks later when I woke up in a hospital bed,” she explained.

There may be an explanation for this.

A hospice nurse, Julie, sheds light on a phenomenon called “visioning,” which occurs in the weeks leading up to a person’s death. According to Julie, people may start to see deceased loved ones, friends, or pets up to a month before their passing.

These visions can occur in dreams or in real time and are typically experienced only by the person who is dying. Julie’s goal is to educate people on the dying process and alleviate any fears or anxieties they may have about what they or their loved ones may experience.


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