An Artist Captures Her Journey Through the Motherhood in Which Every Mom Can Find Herself

11 months ago

Joy Lin, a writer and stand-up comedian from Texas, discovered her passion for Catana Comics and embarked on an inspiring journey. Together with her humorous husband, they joined forces with artist Nohra Johnston to bring their everyday experiences to life through webcomics. While the comics revolve around their personal lives, they also resonate with mothers and wives worldwide, offering relatable and entertaining glimpses into the joys and challenges of family life.

1. “Cuteness overload”

2. “Nothing”

3. “Ring”

4. “Otters”

5. “Nose poke”

6. “Kiss?”

7. “Nose picking”

8. “It helps.”

9. “Agreement”

10. “Whale”

11. “Spider”

12. “Cuter”

13. “Stalkers”

14. “Priorities”

15. “Solution”

16. “Our vs your”

17. “Nap time”

18. “Scary”

19. “Credit”

20. “Dream”

21. “Human cow”

22. “Bun”

Joy Lin’s comics offer a relatable portrayal of the challenges of motherhood, presented in a humorous and light-hearted manner. Through her unique artistic style, Joy captures the real-life struggles that new parents face, allowing them to find solace in the shared experiences. The comics provide comfort, reminding parents that they are not alone in their journey. Joy’s ability to blend comedy and authenticity creates an engaging platform for everyone.

If you enjoy reading comics that depict the joys and challenges of parenting, motherhood, and the world of children, there is a wide range of delightful options available. Whether you’re a parent yourself or simply appreciate the humor and insights, these comics offer an entertaining experience.


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