An Influencer, 42, Reveals Her Top 3 Tips for Looking Younger Which DON’T Involve Cosmetic Surgery

9 months ago

A mother, who is 42 years old and who doesn’t look her age, has shared her secrets to everlasting youth. The TikTok video with her unconventional advice has gained popularity among people. And people deeply appreciate that the woman’s self-approach is a healthy mixture of humor and natural beauty.

The woman caused quite a stir with her TikTok video.

Ioana Dragnef, is a mom who’s originally from Canada, but she currently lives in the Gold Coast of Australia. She recently shared a TikTok video with her personal tips on “how not to look 42.”

The influencer, who has over 42,000 followers on the popular platform, spoke with a bit of humor about the best ways to look at least a bit younger — and none of her tips involves cosmetic enhancements.

Instead of Botox and other cosmetic tricks, Ioana advises that the way in which you present yourself is the key to looking younger than you are.

In response to the video, viewers eagerly spoke about their tips for looking younger that don’t involve Botox, fillers or a face lift.

Ioana shared 3 key tips to her youthful looks.

In the popular video, the young-looking woman shares 3 tips on how to look younger than 42 years old. She says, with a funny monotonal intonation, “Hi, I’m 42. Here are some tips on how to not look 42.”

“Number one: Wear miniskirts. I don’t know what to tell you.”

She then goes on, “Number two: Hoodies. Hoodies instantly make you look 12 years younger.”

Her third and the most unexpected piece of advice is to buy “dumb toys.”

The woman was holding a cute silicone lamp up to the screen, which unexpectedly switched off, and Ioana hit her head with the toy in order to bring the light back, and laughed. She then said, “That’ll make you not look like you’re 42.”

In response to Ioana’s tips, viewers added their own silly, yet quite productive, ways of making oneself look younger than 42.

One person suggested applying freckles filters to their videos, while another viewer joked, “My looking younger trick is to still have acne.” And another user revealed, “I wear cut-offs and fun jewelry and clothes from Forever 21.”

Here’s yet another inspirational article about a never-fading Baywatch star Donna D’Errico. Her tips on how to stay young as long as possible have collected numerous reactions and praise from her fans.


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