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While some women may not naturally possess a maternal instinct, they can still excel in the role of a parent. There are many resources available to help young moms learn about motherhood. It’s important to note that, unlike humans, animals born without this instinct must be taught how to care for their young.
Zoe’s first baby had to be hand-raised after she could not nurse him, so when she gave birth to her second baby, zookeepers knew they had to act quickly to ensure she could provide for her newborn. The staff contacted Whitlee Turner, a zookeeper and new mom herself, to see if she would be willing to help teach Zoe how to breastfeed.
Without hesitation, Whitlee agreed to help. She and her baby Caleb arrived at the orangutan indoor house soon after Zoe gave birth. This was an extraordinary request, but it was one that Whitlee was more than happy to oblige.
Zoe had never learned how to be a mom, as she was orphaned at just 9 months old after her own mother passed away. Whitlee was excited to share her breastfeeding knowledge with Zoe and was determined to help her become the mother she was meant to be.
“I just had my breastfeeding bra and was able to show her everything with zero modesty,” Whitlee said. “I wanted her to be able to see the whole process because orangutans don’t wear shirts. I wanted her to see my breasts and see Caleb and to be able to see him rooting and hungry. She could see where the baby was supposed to be held.”
Whitlee talked to Zoe, pointing out the baby and her breasts. When Caleb latched on, Whitlee showed Zoe so she would understand that crucial step in the process. Although Zoe was initially curious and watched the demonstration with interest, it wasn’t until a day later that she successfully breastfed her own baby.
To help Zoe learn more about being a mother, the zookeepers even installed a TV in her enclosure and played videos on a loop of orangutans giving birth and caring for their babies. This allowed Zoe to observe and learn from the behaviors of other orangutan mothers.
The story of Whitlee and Zoe’s incredible bond highlights the importance of nurturing and caring for animals in captivity. With the help of dedicated zookeepers, even the most unexpected obstacles can be overcome, and animals’ natural instincts can be nurtured and encouraged.
Zoe’s success in breastfeeding her baby is a testament to the power of compassion, understanding, and the bond between different species. It’s a heartwarming reminder that we can all learn from one another, regardless of our differences.