Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito Reunite to Surprise Everyone

year ago

Friendships come in all shapes and sizes, and the Hollywood industry has witnessed some remarkable and unexpected bonds over the years. One such extraordinary friendship is that of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. Despite their contrasting personalities, these 2 actors have forged a deep and lasting connection that has endured the test of time.

Their friendship started in 1988.


To fully understand the origins of their friendship, we must travel back to 1988 when Schwarzenegger and DeVito starred in the hit comedy film Twins. Its success not only captivated audiences with its humor but also laid the foundation for a genuine friendship between the 2 actors.

On the surface, Schwarzenegger and DeVito couldn’t be more different. Schwarzenegger, known for his larger-than-life personality, was the embodiment of physical prowess and charisma. DeVito, on the other hand, possessed a unique charm, wit, and a knack for portraying characters with a mischievous streak. Despite these apparent differences, it was their shared love for acting and dedication to their craft that brought them together.

Their first reunion onstage after many years was in 2015.

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Another significant aspect of their friendship is their shared commitment to philanthropy. Both Schwarzenegger and DeVito have actively used their platforms and resources to make a positive impact on society.

Sometimes they appear together during different events to remind us how it started in 1988 during the movie Twins. In 2015, they reunited onstage in Germany at the Golden Camera Awards.

They surprised us again.

And now it happened again. Both ’twins’ appeared virtually with a donkey and a pony as a surprise for fans. The actors thanked everyone and it was very cute.

“I’m very proud of all of you, and it’s not just me. It’s Lulu and Whiskey and my twin brother, Danny DeVito,” Schwarzenegger said. “We’re all proud of you.”

Preview photo credit EAST NEWS, NowThis News / YouTube


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