“Bodies Change. Bodies Grow. Bodies Shrink. It’s All Love,” How Anne Hathaway Shuts Down Comments About Her Body

year ago

To be a public person in Hollywood might seem like a dream job, but it takes guts. Although worldwide success comes with some perks, like financial independence and a successful career, it also has a downside because when everybody is watching you, some people will have something to complain about. Anne Hathaway had her big break in 1999, and over the years, she has learned how to handle people that try to bring her down.

There are inspiring humans all around us, and when we found out how The Princess Diaries actress deals with critics, Bright Side knew we had to share her story with you.

Throughout her path to fame, Anne Hathaway struggled with beauty ideals in the movie industry.

Collin Xavier/Image Press Agency ABACA/Abaca/East News

For longer than 2 decades, the actress has been playing roles on the big screen. She revealed it wasn’t an easy ride, and in the beginning, she would often be scared going into award season because she thought movie stars had to have a certain body. “I remember my dad making a pie and I ate just a little bite.”

PHOTOlink / Courtesy Everett Collection / East News

Anne Hathaway at 17 years old

Hathaway recalls struggling with body image even during movie castings. At 16, when she heard “Congratulations, you have the part. I’m not saying you need to lose weight. I’m just saying don’t gain weight,” she knew it meant she had to lose weight. It’s a hard thing to carry on your shoulders at such a young age. “I now think that could’ve been done more consciously and more lovingly.”

The actress believes Hollywood is finally going in a better direction.

20 years later, a costume designer asked Hathaway what her body does on her moon — which she later realized meant her period — so she could make adjustments for her, the actress. Although she’s cautious about praising the industry, Hathaway admitted that Hollywood is indeed shifting toward more body inclusivity.

After the birth of her son, Jonathan, the actress had an empowering message for nay-sayers.

Anne Hathaway married Adam Schulman 10 years ago, and today they are parents to 2 boys, Jonathan, born in 2016, and Jack, born in 2020. A few months after her first was born, the mother of 2 posted a picture of her cut-up jeans, paired with a strong message for all who struggle with their body image.

“There is no shame in gaining weight during pregnancy (or ever). There is no shame if it takes longer than you think it will to lose the weight (if you want to lose it at all). There is no shame in finally breaking down and making your own jean shorts because last summer’s are just too dang short for this summer’s thighs. Bodies change. Bodies grow. Bodies shrink. It’s all love. (Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.)”

Her stance encouraged others to feel good in their own skin.

  • “Thank you, I’ve been feeling low about my body but this helped me view things in a more positive way.” ©1qazwas / Instagram
  • “I always come back to this post. It gives me strength when I think about all the weight I’ve gained in these 3 years since having kids. Although I’m healthier now, it’s still difficult to face it. I remind myself that I’ve created 2 beautiful little girls and I’ve got to show I love myself so they will learn to love their own too. Thank you again.” ©malena.treza / Instagram
  • “A post from you like this dispels the myths around working mothers that mom blogs have done in the past 10 years. Thanks to you and other celebrity moms who are shining light on normalcy without criticism or ridiculous expectations, we can concentrate on what’s most important to us: health and family. Thank you and love you!” ©newswoman007 / Instagram

The actress is also known for her sense of humor and truthful way of handling haters.

When Hathaway was preparing for her role as Elena in The Last Thing He Wanted, she posted a video of her doing a weightlifting workout. In order to shut down her future critics before they even had a chance to speak, she addressed them fearlessly: “I am gaining weight for a movie role and it is going well. To all the people who are going to comment on my body in the upcoming months, it’s not me, it’s you. Peace!” the mother of 2 added.

What’s your way of rebelling against society’s beauty standards? What’s the best way to respond to unwanted remarks about your body? Let us know in the comments.


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