Bottle-Fed Kids Can Be Just as Smart as the Breastfed Ones, According to a Study

Family & kids
2 years ago

Not every mother gets the chance to breastfeed their child. And there are some that choose not to for their own personal reasons. These moms can feel guilty by just thinking that they are maybe depriving their child of the benefits of breastfeeding. Well, it’s time to scribble through one of the benefits from the list, because a recent study showed that breastfeeding doesn’t make a child smarter.

No mother should feel pressure to breastfeed her kids, no matter what the benefits are. So, in hopes of relieving the burden of social pressure that many mothers carry, we at Bright Side decided to share this finding with all of you.

Children who were breastfed showed higher IQ at an early age.

Researchers from the study found that children who were breastfed for 3 or more months had overall higher IQ levels at age 6.5. According to the results, the only significant difference was that the children who were breastfed for a longer period showed a 7.9 point higher verbal IQ level as compared to the kids that weren’t.

However, the cognitive benefits of breastfeeding decreased later in life.

The researchers from the same study did a test for neurocognitive function once again when the kids were 16. They were evaluated in 7 verbal and 7 non-verbal domains by using a computerized, self-administered test.

The results showed that exclusive and prolonged breastfeeding didn’t have significant benefits on the overall neurocognitive function later in the children’s lives. The only beneficial effect of breastfeeding for kids at age 16 was the slightly better verbal function, which was only 2.5 points higher than children who were not breastfed.

Other environmental factors might play a bigger role in children’s intelligence as they age.

According to a study, children who are more physically active, have a higher family income, and parents with graduate or postgraduate levels of education have a higher IQ. Another important factor is for the child to be provided with an optimal environment where they will be able to develop their full genetic potential.

Mothers who choose to not breastfeed their children shouldn’t feel guilty.

mother opened up about her breastfeeding journey, sharing that breastfeeding made her unhappy and that she didn’t feel like other mothers who describe the whole thing as an incredible bonding experience.
For her, the whole experience was tense, frustrating, uncomfortable, and it was putting too much pressure on her.

When she opened up about her feelings at her first pediatrician appointment, her doctor said to her, “If you don’t like it, then stop. I can’t tell the difference between a breastfed child and a formula-fed child, but I can tell the difference in kids that have a healthy, happy mom.”

After that, she decided to feed her child formula, “Not only am I much happier, but my daughter continues to thrive. At her latest doctor’s appointment, she continues to gain weight, and her doctor is amazed at how well she is doing. Give your kid the greatest gift of all. Be a happy mom.”

Which nursing method you think is better? Do you believe that breastfeeding can make your child smarter?


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