Celebrity Copycats: 15+ Stars and Their Remarkable Look-Alikes

11 months ago

From red carpets to magazine covers, we are constantly bombarded with images of our beloved stars. Yet, sometimes, a familiar face catches our eye, not because it’s our favorite celebrity, but because it’s someone entirely different. Welcome to the world of celebs look-alikes, where fame doubles and uncanny resemblances are unveiled. Join us on a captivating journey as we shine a light on 15+ notable icons and their surprising look-alike revelations.

1. Ed Sheeran and Ty Jones

DIGITAL / EROTEME.CO.UK / East News, © ty1991ed / Instagram

2. “This is my friend at age 13. He looked exactly like Natalie Portman.”

3. “My friend’s boyfriend had a great-great-grandmother who looked like Steve Martin if he were in a Victorian-era cross-dressing comedy.”

© wehaveavisual / Reddit, EVERETT COLLECTION/EAST NEWS

4. This person’s grandma could be Taylor Swift’s long-lost twin.

5. Roman Emperor Severus Alexander and Eminem

© Marie-Lan Nguyen/Wikimedia Commons, © CC BY 2.5, Courtesy Everett Collection/East News

6. “My great-great-grandfather looks just like Matthew McConaughey.”

7. “My great-great-uncle looks like Captain America, 1910s.”

8. Industrialist Paul Revere and Jack Black

9. Henry David Thoreau and Ellen Degeneres

10. Novelist Zora Neale Hurston and Queen Latifah

11. A man from a medieval painting and Sylvester Stallone

12. “My dad looks like vintage Dexter (Michael C. Hall)”

13. Journalist Rose Wilder and Maggie Gyllenhaal

14. A man from a 19th century portrait and John Krasinski

15. “My grandpa looks like Danny DeVito.”

16. “My grandpa looks like Tom Hardy.”

17. Aubrey Plaza and her doppelgänger

18. Sarah Snook and Mia Threapleton (the daughter of Kate Winslet)

Are you ready for another round of celebrity look-alikes? We’ve got you covered. Here’re 17 people who could easily be mistaken for famous actors.

Preview photo credit DIGITAL / EROTEME.CO.UK / East News, ty1991ed / Instagram


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