Consider Yourself a Genius if You Notice What’s Wrong in These 10 Photos

year ago

"Don’t just see, observe," said Sherlock Holmes. In this article, we at Bright Side decided to test your ability to notice little details.

Each photo has one inaccuracy. Can you spot them all?

1. The beach

2. Venice

3. A bike

4. Scissors

5. Fitness

6. A boy

7. Bowling

8. Friends

9. A walk

10. A woman

The answers

  1. The deck chair doesn’t have a bar to hold the backrest.
  2. Gondolas don’t have sails.
  3. The pedals are positioned incorrectly: one must be higher than the other.
  4. Take a look at the scissors in the upper left corner — the handles are together but the blades are not.
  5. All three girls are missing belly buttons.
  6. The halves of the chessboard are of different thicknesses.
  7. One shoe has more lace holes than the other.
  8. There is an extra hand behind the girl in blue.
  9. The shadows of the man and the girl are swapped.
  10. The heel of one of the shoes she’s wearing is thicker than the heel of the other shoe.
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