Get Your Hands on These 8 Smart Amazon Releases for Your Body

9 months ago

Teeny-tiny bots could be injected into your bloodstream to cure diseases. Sounds a bit horrifying, but in fact, it’s pretty great. These mini MacGyvers can repair damaged tissues, deliver medicine in a controllable way, and much more. They might be tiny, but they are destined for great things. Many aspects are still in development, but this incredible future can become our reality very shortly. Keep your eyes peeled!

And while we wait, you can check out some cool, up-to-date inventions that will benefit your body today.

1. This hand-held deep tissue massager will be perfect for someone who’s on the go a lot.

The product has 5 percussion modes to successfully relieve your pain. An extra-long anti-slip silicone handle makes it easy to get to those painful spots in your back. Its built-in rechargeable battery can last for up to 140 minutes.

Promising review:

Two thumbs up. This product was everything that was described and its advertisement. I use it to relieve some arthritis pain in my knee. I am pleased with it. — chas

2. Stretch your strained leg muscles with this sturdy foot rocker.

This is a simple yet efficient product with slip-resistant treads for safer use. If you’re experiencing some foot pain from plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, ankle strain, or other chronic conditions, this device will successfully reduce it. It also encourages you to correct your foot posture for effective stretching, and that, in turn, increases your range of motion and flexibility.

Promising review:

Durable design, a perfect tool to stretch my tight Achilles tendon and relieve my plantar fasciitis pain. — Meverett

3. A scalp massager with a unique handle and soft silicone bristles that can be a game-changer for your everyday hair routine.

If you want to reduce hair loss and dandruff, try giving your scalp a nice and gentle pressure-relieving massage with this exfoliator. The product sits in your hand very well due to its ergonomic design which makes it even better.

Promising review:

So cute! Very aesthetically pleasing! It looks like something Kim Kardashian would have made for her SKKN line! Very durable! Can’t wait to try! — Caiva

4. This does-it-all flosser with a high-volume reservoir and a slim handle will upgrade your dental care quite a bit.

This model features enhanced water pressure with 10 settings. You can do a custom clean or gum stimulation. The flosser comes with 7 handy tips for multiple users and needs. You can also track the flossing time with a built-in timer.

Promising review:

I own two! This is my second one. The first one was bought in 2017, and it still works! I just decided to keep it at work.
It is a little big for traveling if you do not have space, but it is worth it to me as none of the smaller traveling ones (I bought a few) do as well as this one. I recommend buying the cover if you decide to take it on trips. Easy to clean, to use, and very powerful. I have never used the highest level. The massage one is nice, and my gums. — Practical

5. A product that will help you say goodbye to bad breath one scrape at a time.

This tongue cleaner can improve the taste by sprucing up your taste buds — that is a wow-worthy quality! The product is made of stainless steel which is a very sturdy material and is not naturally susceptible to rust or mold. This makes it super easy to clean — you can just throw it in a dishwasher.

Promising review:

This has been sitting in my cart for a few weeks. Finally, decided to buy one after reading up on the benefits of having a tongue scraper. They come packaged in a nice little cover/holder, and it is easy to squeeze them together when scraping. Going to order another pair for my kids. — Jay Alexa

6. Step on this massager mat and feel the pressure on your acupressure points.

This interesting-looking gizmo can do a whole lot! It can improve your nerve function and cognitive and physical reactions, increase blood circulation, and relax your whole body. Sounds like quite a catch! Comes in 3 different sizes.

Promising review:

I actually love this product! Massage is my love language & this foot reflexology mat is what you need if you are like me. What really stood out is the quality & design of this mat! I love it!!
I took a medium size & it worked for me perfectly. If your size is 8 — go for a medium one. A cool bonus of this product is that it’s actually healthy for your feet. It will work as an incredible gift for yourself or a friend! Worthy to get it!!! — Anna-Mariia

7. Whether you’re having back and neck pain or headaches, this acupressure product can be your jack-of-all-trades of pillows.

About 20 minutes a day is enough for this device to relieve your body pain. And you can take it with you cause a travel carry bag is part of the package. The device takes some getting used to, but the result is worth all the trouble.

Promising review:

First, it is a bit painful, but as the other reviewers said, it becomes actually bearable after a while. The after-effects are worth it. — Julie Bosworth

8. You can easily take this portable muscle massage gun with a non-slip handle wherever you go.

Your body will greatly appreciate this ultra-quiet and very versatile massager. It comes with 6-speed levels and 4 massage heads for different needs. It features an automatic stop after 10 minutes of continuous use, so everything is under control and perfectly safe.

Promising review:

I had never used a portable massage gun for deep tissue massage. I was a little hesitant. It felt so good, I was surprised. It made my areas in my muscles feel so much better. It has six speeds and four heads for different uses.
It automatically stops after ten minutes. It is rechargeable with an 1800mAh lithium battery. It is easy to hold in your hand, not too heavy or too strong when it is massaging you. It is very strong, and by the sixth level, it is moving and powerful. It feels good.
I prefer certain heads, but I think all of them will be used in certain areas. It has a very nice case and manuals. It would make it easy to travel with. The case is not large and would easily go with you. I love it, being small is what I need. — GigaWatt

We hope our picks will attend to your body’s needs in the best way. After all, “Healthy body, healthy mind” is not just a saying, and it is really important to stay in good shape.

Bright Side gets commissions for purchases made through the links in this post. Reviews could have been edited for length and clarity.

Preview photo credit Rick Taylor / Amazon, Amazon


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