9 Tips on How to Ditch Little Things That May Spoil Your Look

Picture this: you’re in a room with lots of other people and you lock eyes with someone across the room. According to experts, falling in love takes one-fifth of a second. And 34% of people revealed they have experienced love at first sight. This is just what Anne Hathaway went through with her husband and soulmate, Adam Shulman.
Bright Side believes all love stories are worth sharing, and today we wanted to delve deeper into Anne and Adam’s romance and prove to you that love at first sight is indeed a tangible concept.
The actress keeps a low profile about her private life, but we got the scoop on her and her husband’s love story. The couple met in 2008, through their mutual friends. “We hit it off immediately, but it took us a pretty long time to get together,” Anne revealed.
When Anne Hathaway first laid eyes on Adam Shulman, she knew it was love at first sight. “I’m going to marry that man. I knew from the second I met him that he was the love of my life.” Adam is an actor, although he doesn’t shy away from producing movies and designs jewelry too; he’s also the artist behind Anne Hathaways’ engagement ring.
In 2012, the couple said “I do” during an exclusive ceremony, with 180 guests. Less than 4 years later, Anne and Adam welcomed their first child, Jonathan and in 2019, their second child, Jack.
The actress revealed both pregnancies were not an easy ride: “For everyone going through infertility and conception journey, please know it was not a straight line to either of my pregnancies. Sending you extra love.”
“When I met him, I just looked up and thought ‘Oh there you are!’ We didn’t know our first date was our first date, we just played it by ear, and we were like, let’s see how this goes. Someone asked me what happens if we don’t get along. If we don’t get along, we go somewhere together; it’ll be 24 hours of both of our lives. And if we do get along, we’ll probably get married. And so we went on that first date and we kind of never stopped.”
Have you ever experienced love at first sight? In your opinion, how do you know if a certain someone is your soulmate? Let us know in the comments.