I Kicked Out My Bridesmaid for Wearing the Wrong Dress at My Wedding

11 months ago

We all want our wedding day to be just right, with every little thing in place and our dearest by our side. But it’s not a good idea to stress out the bride on her big day if things don’t go as expected. That’s what this story is about—whether it’s about the wrong dresses or the wrong friends, you get to decide where you stand.

The newlywed woman shared the story on the Internet.

“My (23F) wedding was on December 31st, and I’m still getting backlash from this.

My wedding was a winter-themed wedding. The color theme was forest green and gold. My dress was obviously white, and I chose the color of my bridesmaid dresses to be forest green as well. My MOH’s dress was black, and everyone was to wear gold accessories.”

“I have this friend. We’ll call her Kat, whom I asked to be one of my bridesmaids. When we went dress shopping and I told them the color theme I was going for, Kat immediately expressed that she thought forest green was a bad choice.

She said she thinks it’s not a flattering color and thought I should choose something different and more ‘girly’. I said no because my wedding was winter themed, and I thought the color would go perfectly with the theme. She suggested pink, blue, or even red. I said no, but thanks for your opinion. She found out my MOH’s dress was black and asked if she could wear black too. I said no; only my MOH is wearing black. I paid for all the dresses.

Fast-forward to wedding day; everyone’s getting their hair and makeup done, and Kat shows up 30 minutes late holding a bag that looked like it had a dress inside. I asked her what this was for? She told me it was for later on at the reception if she got uncomfortable and wanted to change after pictures. I was like ’ok cool’.”

“So fast-forward; we’re all dressed and walking down the stairs because the ceremony is beginning in 30 minutes, and we were going to take some pictures before. Kat is the last person to come down, and she’s wearing a BLACK DRESS. At the time, I was preoccupied taking pictures with my parents, but my MOH came over to me and made me aware of the situation.

I confronted Kat and asked her what was going on. She said she hates her bridesmaid dress, as the color is ugly and makes her look gross, so she’s wearing black. I told her to please go back and change. She refused and started walking away from me. I said I’m going to ask her one more time, and if she doesn’t oblige, I’m calling security and kicking her out. She began yelling at me, so I called security and asked them to please escort her out. She started making a BIG scene, yelling that I can’t force her to wear anything and that I’m a horrible, inconsiderate friend.

The wedding went on, and it was truly amazing. Ever since the wedding, Kat has been blowing up my phone with texts saying some really nasty things and asking for the money back she spent on the black dress, since it was a waste and she didn’t get to wear it. I had to block her number. Some of my other bridesmaids have been saying that it was a little harsh, kicking her out and embarrassing her like that. And maybe I should give her the money back.”

People came to her defense

  • She embarrassed herself. She agreed to wear the dress you picked out and then deceitfully planned to change at the last moment in the hope that you’d just let her get away with it. She knew that you would tell her no.
    Think of being at a wedding as like playing a part in a play, a ballet, or something. You get cast as a “bridesmaid”, so you wear the costume that the artistic director has picked out for bridesmaids to wear. If you don’t want to wear the costume, don’t be in the show. But you can’t just show up on opening night and say “I didn’t like your costume choices, so I’m going to wear the same costume as this other character instead”. © _mmiggs_ / Reddit
  • I had to wear a lilac dress to my sister’s wedding. I have red hair. It was horrible. There are just some things you have to do in this world. © anjapond / Reddit
  • Your “friend” clearly tried to wait until the very last moment to put on the other dress in the hopes you wouldn’t make a scene, and she could have her way. It’s a wedding; it’s about the people getting married. Your own taste doesn’t matter, especially given that the bride paid for the dresses, something not all brides are kind enough to do. © nottherealneal / Reddit
  • She should pay you back for the dress you bought for her. What she did was utterly selfish. The wedding was about you, not her. If she had such a problem, she could have refused to be a bridesmaid. I guess she isn’t really much of a friend. Drop her. © MerlinBiggs / Reddit
  • If you’re going to be a bridesmaid, you have to be prepared to do what the bride wants. Kat should have declined and just gone as a guest. And no, you don’t owe her anything. If anything, she owes you for the green dress that you bought that she refused to wear. © AgentAlpo / Reddit
  • Waiting til the last minute in hopes of getting her way is a terrible way to treat your friends in normal times. Doing that at a wedding is inexcusable. © djcack / Reddit
  • As a wedding planner, I will say I am truly very sorry that you had to deal with that right before walking down the aisle. Anyone who purposely creates unnecessary drama at another person’s wedding goes right out the door! Ignore Kat, she will never see or own the fact that she was the only one responsible for all her own problems. © Alarming_Reply_6286
  • I have been in a couple weddings and didn’t care for one of the dresses I was asked to wear, but it was her wedding, not mine, and I wanted to support her on her day, so I wore it with pride for her. She went against what you requested over and over again, not much of a friend if you ask me.
    © LittleSweetFeet1497 / Reddit

Dealing with conflicts can be tough, especially when it involves friends, like this other story we have in store for you.


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