Cameron has aged so gracefully. This woman has class and an excellent head on her shoulders. I would love to see her in movies again
How Cameron Diaz Challenged Beauty Standards and Decided to Age Gracefully
About 30 years ago, Cameron Diaz became super famous, with everyone admiring her acting skills and stunning looks. However, at that time, the actress had no idea how soon the movie industry would begin to impose its beauty standards and tough requirements on her. But Cameron decided not to play in this game. And her story is truly admirable.
Cameron won over everyone with her natural beauty at 21.

When the movie The Mask entered theaters in 1994, the whole world learned Cameron Diaz’s name, who was only 21 years old at the time. The young blonde with a stunning smile conquered everyone’s heart, and after that many film directors dreamed of working with her.

Her good looks and memorable movie roles, including the iconic comedies There’s Something About Mary and Charlie’s Angels, cemented her as a sex symbol.

But after 35, she faced age prejudice.

When the actress crossed the 35-year mark, journalists started asking her over and over again, “Aren’t you afraid that the death of your career is imminent because you don’t look 25 any more?” And in her attempt to meet public expectations, Cameron began to do different age-defying procedures.

Diaz visited various beauticians and used different anti-aging products, including creams, Botox and fillers. But she soon realized that she just tried to comply with the beauty standards that had nothing to do with natural aging.
And Cameron said no to these standards.

In her bestseller The Longevity Book, Cameron states that Hollywood is ruthless about age-related changes in appearance. According to her, the movie industry tries to impose the belief on society that growing old is ugly. So millions of women around the globe are ready for anything to look younger.

But Diaz encourages people to rethink their attitude to age. She writes, “A teenager doesn’t look like a toddler taking their first steps, and a woman in her fifties doesn’t look like a 25-year-old. That’s physiology, and that’s normal. So I suggest we accept the fact that every age is beautiful in its own way.”
She also jokes, “Let’s push the midlife crisis off a bridge and throw ourselves a party instead.” And then adds seriously, “I just think it’s a privilege to get older. Not everybody gets there.”
Actress recommends putting health first, not external beauty.

Even though Cameron has tried a lot of anti-aging products, she now says that we just deceive ourselves this way.
She says, “Believe me, I know that it’s easy to get caught up with what you see in the mirror and use it as a metric for how well you are aging. But don’t be fooled — just because you look younger than your friend, doesn’t mean your body isn’t experiencing some wear and tear. This aging thing is a process, and we all have our own individual journey through it.”
What every woman should do, according to Cameron

The actress is sure that women have specific responsibilities to their own bodies at different life stages. For women in their twenties, she recommends a focus on diet and exercise. In her opinion, women should start seriously thinking about their fertility in their thirties and take necessary tests.
And in their forties, women should stop stressing and start really enjoying life. “You’re getting ready to make that transition to menopause, so pay attention to where you’re at emotionally, physically and mentally,” she says.
“I never wash my face.”
Today Cameron says that she really enjoys her retirement from acting (the last time we saw her on the screen was in 2014). She finally feels at ease because she doesn’t have to worry about her appearance and use a lot of anti-aging products.
“I literally do nothing. I never wash my face. Twice a month if I’m lucky, I’ll be like, ‘Oh, I better put this on. One time works, right? Like, is that all I have to do?’” Diaz says.
That’s also why Cameron prefers to wear comfortable clothes. Viewers were excited when she came to a talk show dressed in a casual outfit and sneakers.

The actress revealed that after changing her views of life, she finally felt prepared to return to movies. Diaz is now working on a few new projects.
A new round of fame at 50
In August 2022, Cameron turned 50. But her career didn’t end at 40 like some journalists predicted. She’s still very relevant, and even her hiatus in acting hasn’t made her less famous. And it’s all thanks to Diaz’s views of life.
Tabloids describe her as a beauty muse who inspires us to be honest with ourselves and challenge the beauty standards. And we are grateful to her for that.
By the way, Cameron Diaz’s creative journey hardly resembles the stories of other Hollywood celebrities. Not every movie star would dare to leave the industry while being on top of success. But Cameron chose to walk her own path. And we can’t wait to see her new movies.
Telling us she washes her face twice a month is just ludicrous. Get real

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