I Refused to Switch Seats for a Mom with Her Anxious Kid And She Broke Down

3 months ago

Who knew airplane seat drama could get this intense? In this story, one passenger’s refusal to switch seats for a mom and her anxious child sparked a big confrontation mid-flight. With accusations flying and tears involved, the situation quickly escalated into an unforgettable clash.

The author was asked to switch seats.

I board the plane and settle in my economy-plus seat. A woman asked me to change seats so that her 9 y.o. can sit with her. I asked how much she'd repay me for the money I spent on the seat. She said I was cruel for leaving her son with anxiety sitting alone.

The parent "cared more about her own comfort".

I then asked if she had offered her economy plus seat to the person sitting next to her son. She replied that she "needed the leg room". I said she cared more about her own comfort than her son's well-being. If she cared she would give up her seat and move to the back.

She broke down.

At that point, she broke down, wailing and repeatedly shouting "How could you!" 10 min later, a smiling man sat down next to me grinning about his sweet upgrade. My partner later told me I shouldn’t have questioned her parenting in public or made her cry.

People took the author's side.

  • She’s in the wrong for not being able to plan and book ahead of time so her son isn’t left alone. Also, for not able to put aside her comfort ahead of her “precious son” and thinks that one owes her nothing for being a poor planner.

    WhatTheActual***1 / Reddit
  • It's so annoying for people to do this – they don't want to pay for seats but want people who do pay to give up their seats. I would never unless it's equal or better value. That last time a man asked me to switch so he could sit with his girlfriend, I got to move 6 rows up and he brought my bag and put it in the bin for me. Even sent me a drink.

    WickedAngelLove / Reddit
  • Whenever anyone is asking to swap seats, it's always for a better one and they always throw a fit like this to try and get what they want when told no. People like this should be removed from the plane.

    bevymartbc / Reddit
  • Seat swappers make flying horrible for everybody else. The sheer level of entitlement they display is shocking to me.

    anglflw / Reddit

Would you have given up your seat to help a parent in this situation, or do you think it's fair to stick to the seat you booked?

Things can get tricky, especially when emotions are high and children are at the center of it. In this article, our reader is caught between wanting to help and setting limits, as her sister's kids come to her for meals every day. When she finally stands up for herself, the reaction she gets is anything but supportive.

Preview photo credit Hadis Safari / Unsplash


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I'd have done the same under similar circumstances. Our older generations (includes me) have allowed the level of entitlement some of these youngers show.


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