I Took My Mom to a Homeless Shelter After She Begged Me for Help

A man shared this heart-wrenching story on Reddit, and it’s truly a rollercoaster of emotions. Imagine this: he’s a 33-year-old, just trying to live his life, hustling in real estate alongside his wife. But suddenly, their world gets turned upside down.

His mom, who’s 59, finds herself in a devastating situation.

Turns out, his Dad, her husband of 37 years, has been embezzling money from his job for decades. It’s a real gut punch. The foundation of their family, built over nearly four decades, crumbles because Dad’s been playing fast and loose with someone else’s cash.

When Dad gets caught, the OP (original poster) and his wife step in, urging Mom to take action, to file for divorce pronto. But instead of taking charge, Mom is overwhelmed by shock. She’s gripped by panic attacks, convinced she’s on her deathbed. It’s a heavy burden for her, especially since she’s already dealing with health issues like high blood pressure and arthritis.

Despite her struggles, Mom picks up a job at a packaging company, but her mental health issues cost her the gig. With Dad’s legal fees draining their savings, they lose their home. Now, she’s crashing at a friend’s place, but even that refuge is on shaky ground.

The friend’s husband is issuing an ultimatum: either she goes, or they face divorce.

The OP’s heart is torn. He loves his Mom, no doubt about it. But his wife? She’s his rock, his partner-in-crime. They’ve weathered storms together, clawing their way through tough times to build the life they have now. And they’re not about to let Dad’s mess derail them.

So, when Mom comes begging for help, it’s a tough spot. The original poster explained: «My mom is kept begging us for help. Her attempts have ranged from her showing up at our door, and crying and pleading. We’ve been too nice to just tell her the cold truth- it’s not our responsibility.»

They’ve been gentle, nudging her towards independence. But enough’s enough. It was time for some tough love. He agreed to meet Mom, took her out for lunch, laid it out plain and simple: they were getting her help, whether she liked it or not. And where did he take her? A homeless shelter.

Mom’s freaking out, saying it’s dangerous, it’s dirty, it’s everything she never wanted.

But the OP stands firm. He’s done playing games. He leaves her there, torn but knowing it’s the right move. He heads back home to his wife, knowing they’ve got each other’s backs through thick and thin.

And here’s the twist: the OP spills some extra details about his Mom. Turns out, she wasn’t exactly the perfect mother figure. She played favorites, stirring up drama and causing rifts between family members. No wonder, his sisters have distanced themselves from the chaos. As he puts it: «My mother told me growing up that she was glad she had me, a son, because my sisters as women were a lot of drama.»

As he reflects on whether he’s a bad guy for leaving Mom at the shelter, he’s grappling with a whirlwind of guilt and conflicted emotions. But sometimes, you gotta make the tough calls, even if they break your heart.

The question still remains unanswered: What to do?

In the end, dealing with family crises is never easy, and this story really drives that point home. It’s tough when you’re caught between wanting to help a loved one and needing to take care of yourself and your own family. Sometimes, though, you’ve gotta make those hard decisions, even if they’re painful.

Looking ahead, it’s important for the man to keep supporting his mom in ways that empower her to stand on her own two feet. That might mean encouraging her to seek professional help for her mental health struggles and helping her find resources and support networks. By keeping the lines of communication open and setting clear boundaries, he can go through this tough situation with compassion and strength.

Preview photo credit Throwawaymomshel / Reddit


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He should be ashamed of his self!! So she wasn't a perfect mom, so what! She gave birth to him and believe me, that is not easy. She kept a roof over his head, he had a clean bed and good food to eat, went to school, and everything a kid needs to grow up. Now, he doesn't want to help his mom with something his father caused? I hope she finds a better place to stay and never speaks to him again.


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