“If I Went Tomorrow, I Wouldn’t Be Disappointed,” Kathy Bates Shares What She Learned After Beating Cancer Twice

9 months ago

Kathy Bates has been a part of the entertainment industry for many years. What some might not be aware of is her enduring battle with serious health issues. Despite these obstacles, Bates hasn’t allowed anything to hinder her progress. She continues to thrive, embracing fresh ventures that highlight her creativity and passion for her craft.

How her career began

Van Redin / Buena Vista Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection / East News

Starting a career is often a tough journey, and this was particularly true for Kathy Bates in Hollywood. Back in the 1970s, she faced considerable difficulty finding roles without connections, and she resorted to odd jobs while securing minor acting opportunities. Kathy shared that her appearance sometimes posed a challenge, stating, “I’m not a stunning woman... When I was younger, it was a real problem because I was never pretty enough for the roles that other young women were being cast in.”

Because of these circumstances, Kathy Bates frequently found herself confined to certain types of roles. She mentioned, “Usually a character who was older, or a little weird, or whatever. And it was hard,” in an interview. However, everything turned around in 1990 when she secured her pivotal part in Misery and earned an Oscar for her exceptional portrayal.

Health issues

TriStar Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection / East News

In 2003, Bates received her first diagnosis of ovarian cancer, leading to surgery and chemotherapy. While she went into remission, she faced another battle with breast cancer in 2012, which resulted in a double mastectomy. Following the surgery, she encountered lymphedema, a condition causing chronic swelling due to lymph node removal.

Reflecting on those times, Bates candidly shared, “I was bitter, I was depressed. I thought my career was over, I thought, ’There’s no way, I’m done, everything is done.’”

Birdie Thompson / AdMedia / SIPA / Sipa Press / East News

Since then, Kathy has openly discussed the condition, using her influence to raise awareness. She highlighted, “I want to emphasize this is not a cosmetic issue. While the lasting effects, the discomfort, and limitations of lymphedema may be invisible to others, it is an incurable disease,” sharing this message in her speech when she became a representative for The Lymphatic Education & Research Network.

In March 2021, the organization shared a picture of Bates on Instagram and a quote from her: “We are united in dreaming of a cure.”

Her latest movie

“I’m grateful to be alive,” Bates shared when discussing her gratitude. She also expressed her appreciation for being able to offer support to the many individuals dealing with lymphedema.

Bates is set to appear in the upcoming film, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, where she portrays Rachel McAdams’ character’s mother. In the movie trailer, Bates looks fantastic for her age, building excitement for her return to the big screen!

She serves as an inspiration to many.


Rather than allowing her health challenges to hinder her, Bates continues to shine in her roles on-screen and enthusiastically embraces each day. She said, " I’ve been living my bucket list for the last few years. I’ve done and experienced so many wonderful things. If I went tomorrow, I wouldn’t be disappointed."

Bates mentioned that she successfully lost around 60 pounds (27 kg) and attributed some improvement in her symptoms to the weight loss. She also mentioned that a helpful strategy during her weight loss journey was practicing mindfulness, which prevented her from overeating. “It’s communication between your stomach and your brain telling you that you’ve had enough.”

Numerous celebrities have faced health challenges and keep motivating us with their determination to live fully, regardless of obstacles. For instance, Sofia Vergara is also one of the people who bravely fought against cancer and won.

Preview photo credit Misery / Castle Rock Entertainment and co-producers, TriStar Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett Collection / East News, Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. / Lionsgate and co-producers


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