I Refused to Put Up With My In-Laws Just Because We Owe Them

Jennifer Lawrence conquered the big screen and our hearts with several of her movies, from the entire The Hunger Games saga to American Hustle. She’s one of the Hollywood stars that does not have social media. However, that didn’t stop her from opening her heart to the world and talking about the moment in her life she is currently going through—becoming a mother for the first time, after having lost two pregnancies.
Her first son was born in February 2022 as a result of her marriage to Cooke Maroney, director of an art gallery. Baby Cy was named after American painter Cy Twombly. And Jennifer has been clear when talking about her experience of motherhood: she said that she could share her understanding of it, but she cannot speak on behalf of her husband or her son.
Jennifer has stated that she is afraid to talk about being a mother because it is such a different experience for everyone: “If I say, ’It was amazing from the start’, some people will think, ’It wasn’t amazing for me at first,’ and feel bad.” She also mentioned the importance of her friends and their honesty. They warned her that becoming a mother was scary, that it might not be so easy for her to connect with the baby or fall madly in love in an instant.
Lawrence said, “I felt so prepared to be forgiving. I remember walking with one of my best friends at, like, nine months, and being like, ’Everyone keeps saying that I will love my baby more than my cat. But that’s not true. Maybe I’ll love him as much as my cat?’”
Her labor was very close to what you’d see in a movie scene. Jennifer was walking up the stairs of her place in L.A. when her water broke. She had written a bunch of inspirational phrases for her husband to read to her during labor, but “once you’re there, and you’re having contractions, you don’t even want to hear them.”
By this time, Lawrence was going through labor on an inflatable ball, and she kept telling herself, “Don’t be a wuss. It’s not that terrible. Don’t be a coward. It’s not that terrible.”
The Hunger Games star talked about that first moment after becoming a mother: “The morning after I gave birth, I felt like my whole life had started over. Like, ’Now is day one of my life.’”
It also changed the way she looks at babies. Newborns are amazing to her: “Newborns are just so amazing. They’re these pink, swollen, fragile little survivors. Now I love all babies. Now I hear a baby crying in a restaurant, and I’m like, ’Awwww, preciousssss.’”
The actress admitted that Cy made her heart grow and develop a degree of love she never knew was capable of experiencing. “My son is gonna drive one day. He’s gonna be a stupid teenager and be behind the wheel of a car. And I’m just gonna be like, ’Good night!’ you know? Like, who sleeps?”
Like any new mom, Lawrence is prepared to witness someone else’s childhood. “I wonder what he’s going to be talking about with his therapist. ’She wouldn’t put me down. She kisses me on the mouth. She asked me not to go to college.’”
Her latest film began shooting in 2019, but they could not continue working on the film until the end of 2021. It will now be released in November 2022. But in all that time of production, so much happened. Jennifer got married, and she was pregnant when they started filming again.
In identifying with her character, Lynsey, Jennifer realized at the time their similarities. “Her untenable home, her inability to commit to one thing or another because of these internal injuries that are completely invisible but huge—I think I connected with that at that specific time in my life.”
When she was in her twenties, Lawrence became pregnant. But she lost the baby alone in Montreal before she could do anything. A few years ago, while filming Don’t Look Up, she became pregnant again. At that point in her life, she was married and wanted to become a mother, but again she had a problem with her pregnancy, and that second miscarriage ended in surgery.
“I remember a million times thinking about it while I was pregnant. Thinking about the things that were happening to my body. And I had a great pregnancy. I had a very fortunate pregnancy. But every single second of my life was different. And it would occur to me sometimes: What if I was forced to do this?”
In addition to getting back into the acting ring, Jennifer makes the most of every moment with her son and enjoys every moment: “He recently tried avocado for the first time, and she couldn’t stop crying.” She jokes that her baby is her little voodoo doll because everything that hurts him hurts her. “I mean, the euphoria of Cy is just—Jesus, it’s impossible.”
What do you think of Jennifer Lawrence’s new role as a mother? How did you experience the early days of motherhood?