Meet Buster, a One-of-a-Kind Dog Who Reminds Us That Beauty Comes in Many Forms

month ago

Most of us know about vitiligo, an autoimmune disorder that targets the melanin in skin cells and changes the skin color to a much-lighter tone, in patches. Winnie Harlow is one such well-known celebrity, Michael Jackson was another one.

What many of us may not have known is that animals can also get this condition. Case-in-point: Buster, a dog whose appearance changed so drastically in a span of four years, people can hardly believe it. Still a very good boy, though.

A 2-year-old Buster with a shiny black coat, in Nov 2021.

Matt Smith took to Reddit to share the story of his dog, who one Redditor has dubbed, the “Michael Jackson dog.” He posted a series of photos that showed his dog completely changing color due to vitiligo, which he was diagnosed with in late 2021, when he was just 2 years of age.

In the beginning, the change was subtle with minor white patches around Buster’s eyes, nose, and chin. The veterinarians told Smith to keep an eye on Buster for any signs of skin irritation or any other health issues. Within a span of less than a year, the patches began to spread and Buster changed appearances drastically.

Vitiligo made Buster’s black fur become patchy white.

When it comes to vitiligo in dogs, it can be localized or generalized. So in can affect just a small part, like the muzzle, or change the color of the dog’s skin as well.

Along with the skin, the change in fur color (basically hair) happens as a symptom.

In four years, Buster’s transformation was complete.

Buster’s turned from a good boy with a shiny, black coat to one with a striking white fur. Smith shared this metamorphosis on Reddit and had it not been for the photographs, no one would have believed him.

The stunning transformation left Reddit users in awe, as one wrote, “I was like ’no way, those are 2 different dogs!’ Those pics are crazy. What a transformation! He’s a very handsome boy 💖.” One Redditor wrote, “If you hadn’t shown the transition, I never would have believed it.”

Another wrote, “Yeah, at first I was thinking maybe the black dog had done a switcheroo with a white dog and OP just rolled with it, but then I scrolled through the progress pics. I think OP should change Buster’s name to Michael Jackson, seems more fitting, lol.”

Even the IG account “WeRateDogs” couldn’t resist a share, and a high score.

More Redditor comments rolled in, with some still not over their disbelief, as they wrote, “Wow! This is the most fascinating thing I’ve seen on Reddit in ages. I was sure this was going to be fake until I scrolled through.”

There were those who saw the funny side to it with comments like, “Does he bark at himself in the mirror now? Who’s that guy!” Another Redditor joked, “Did this happen after fighting a Balrog of Morgoth perhaps?” Then there was this doggy-language comment too, “He protecc. He atacc. Now he is white. Before he blacc!”

This is Buster in August 2023:

Bonus: A cat with vitiligo that make him look like a possum!

If that is not enough nose-booping cuteness for you, then this Redditor had a similar picture to share, with his vitiligo-struck cat. They shared, “I had a 100% jet black cat with Vitiligo...he started turning white at all of his extremities...tip of his nose, tips of his ears, nose, and tail and then it spread further. It was amazing to watch the transformation for the 7 years that I had him, and my vet was absolutely fascinated.”

They continued to explain, “Nothing changed except the color of his fur! Though his green eyes became less intense too. The change in the first 6 months seemed quicker than the later changes, but I think that is because it was a bit more unexpected at that point. I just got used to seeing it over time, and didn’t pay as much attention.”

As one Redditor rightly remarked, “He looks like he just stuck his nose and paws into a flour jar.”

Clearly, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and no owner loves their pet because of the way they look. Here are some loving pet owners who made something utterly marvelous for their pets, and reveled in it, even if it was a bit OTT!


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