My Girlfriend Stopped Respecting My Privacy Because of Her New Career

3 hours ago

The key to a healthy relationship is respect and loyalty. When these two start to waver, the relationship can quickly take a wrong turn. Today, with more people working from home and juggling other priorities, things can get complicated. One man shared his frustration about his girlfriend. After starting her new career, she wasn’t the same person anymore.

The man turned to the online community for help with his situation.

"I've been living with my girlfriend for two years. At first, everything was great—we got along well, spent time together, and had a good balance between our personal lives and being a couple.

But a few months ago, she started building a career as an influencer. At the beginning, it was just a fun hobby for her, some pictures, a couple of videos, nothing over the top. I always supported her and was proud that she found something she enjoyed. However, things quickly spiraled out of control."

"Our apartment has turned into her personal studio. Every corner has to be perfectly curated for photos, every room is a potential backdrop for her vlogs. When I come home tired from work, all I want is to relax, but immediately there’s a camera in my face because she’s “filming content.” Even our private conversations are often recorded without my prior consent, and then I find them posted in her videos.

It got especially awkward when she posted part of a conversation where I shared something deeply personal, which I didn’t expect to be made public. I tried talking to her about it, but she always brushes it off, saying I’m overreacting and that it’s just “part of her job,” and that I should be more understanding. Over time, this has started to wear me down. I feel like I no longer have any space in our home where I can just be myself without worrying about being filmed or photographed."

"A few days ago, after yet another incident where I came home and was “caught” on camera, I decided to have a serious conversation with her. I told her that I understand her influencer career is now an important part of her life, but for me, it’s becoming too much. I suggested that maybe she should consider moving out—not because I want to break up with her, but because I need a private space where I don’t feel constantly watched.

She flipped out. She said I was selfish, that I wasn’t supporting her career, and that I was trying to control her. She accused me of sabotaging her success instead of being proud of what she’s achieved. Now, we’re barely speaking, and I feel like my boundaries and needs aren’t being respected at all. On one hand, I get that her job excites her, but on the other hand, am I really wrong for just wanting some privacy and space in my own home?"

Many people shared their fresh perspectives on the conflict.

  • "Your GF is being selfish and ignorant for not respecting your privacy. Also, she had no right to publish the personal conversation you mentioned without getting your consent before. She is using you in a way that you don't have to tolerate." Captain_Sensible77 / Reddit
  • "I worked in digital for more than a decade and am a private person (I’d never be an influencer). All I can say is PRIVACY LAWS - also a big part of the job. She’s filming you without consent in a private dwelling. Report those videos, tell her to keep business hours, and LEARN ABOUT CONSENT!
    Oh, and professionalism is part of the job, this ain’t it. She can’t treat anyone this way and expect collabs. If this fails, tell her you’ll post her behavior online - let her followers decide if she insists." mayfeelthis / Reddit
  • "Breaking up with her would give her so much content to post online that would be supportive of her career. Win-win." Otto_botz / Reddit
  • "It's not cool for someone to record you without asking, and it's definitely not fair for them to take over shared space without considering how it affects you. In a good relationship, people listen to each other and try to find solutions that work for everyone. You deserve to feel comfortable and respected in your own home." PrincessxPriscilla / Reddit
  • "It sounds like things have really shifted since your girlfriend started her influencer career, and it’s understandable that you’re feeling overwhelmed by the constant filming and lack of consent over what gets shared. You’ve tried to communicate your feelings, and it’s tough when those concerns aren’t taken seriously.
    Wanting your own space to relax and be yourself is completely valid, and suggesting she consider moving out isn’t about sabotaging her success—it’s about protecting your own mental well-being. It’s important in any relationship for both partners to feel comfortable and respected, and right now, it seems like you’re not getting that." EconomyPrize4097 / Reddit
  • "I am afraid the woman you love is gone. Maybe you love the person she used to be, but for many people, public validation is a drug and your GF is addicted to it. So view her as an addict of some sort. I am afraid, you are not more important than her drug. Either accept the situation or leave it." MasterpieceOk4688 / Reddit
  • "She has moved in and then unilaterally decided you don't get privacy in your own home? Then called you selfish? Quit being nice and just throw her out.
    People deserve basic politeness until they prove they don't. She has proven she doesn't more than once. Film some of your conversations with her about this yourself. " Odd_Welcome7940 / Reddit
  • "It's not just that she doesn't respect boundaries. It's that she's USING him for content. She's not only violating his privacy, she's going at it so hard and fast that she's sharing confidential things to get clicks and leaving him no safe space in his own apartment and no, nothing in their relationship can be possibly construed as private.
    To her, he's not her boyfriend anymore. He's a product for her feed. She's made his home her stage. She's taking and taking and taking, mistreating and shaming him into allowing, not caring how he feels. This is wrong on so many levels." theloveburts / Reddit
  • "It’s understandable that you need privacy and personal space, especially in your own home. However, the way this situation was handled—asking her to move out—seems like a drastic solution and could be seen as a lack of support for her career. She likely doesn’t realize how much her work is affecting your well-being, and asking her to move out immediately might come across as rejecting her passion and efforts.
    Maybe you could try setting clearer boundaries before jumping to the conclusion that she needs to leave. For example, agreeing on specific times for her to film or designating private areas in the house for each of you. The key here is communication and finding a balance that works for both of you." NEcoupleOF / Reddit
  • "I think both sides have valid points in this situation. Your need for privacy is completely understandable, but it’s also important to acknowledge that her career as an influencer has become a significant part of her life. She might not be aware of how invasive it’s getting, so it’s really important to address this calmly.
    Asking her to move out could be too drastic of a solution, but I also understand that if you’re constantly feeling invaded, you need to set clear boundaries. Maybe you could suggest creating a space where both of you can have privacy while still supporting her career without feeling sidelined. The key here is negotiation and mutual empathy, rather than imposing such a radical decision." elletaylxr / Reddit

As online dating grows, some people toy with feelings until karma strikes. But when two people you know match, and one is your friend, you might need to step in—just like our heroine in this story.

Preview photo credit Agatastic / Reddit


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