16 People Whose Middle Name Is “Surprise”

Taking care of a child is hard work because, until a certain age, they depend on their parents for almost everything. And both parents must take part in this mission. Unfortunately, that’s not what is happening in today’s story. This mother not only cares for her daughter alone, but she also faces criticism from her husband.
I have an almost 4-year-old who attends preschool Monday-Friday. I’m the only parent who gets up and gets her ready for school because her dad “doesn’t know how.” He only drives her to school while I feed, clothe, and do her hair, etc.
Every single day since school started this month, he’s had something to say about the clothing choice I picked out for our daughter. Always something like “that doesn’t match” (a plain t-shirt with black sweatpants) or “it’s too cold for that” (it’s literally been 80 degrees all month up until very recently) etc., every single day he has some kind of judgment to say.
So today, I told him to pick out the outfit and get her ready since he’s the expert on it. He told me I’m being immature for being upset over something that he “doesn’t often do,” and he told me I “do everything in my life with little effort.”
Am I wrong for getting upset over him having something to say every single day about my daughters’ clothes and then getting further upset over that last comment?
It’s not the first time we face stories where husbands criticize their wife’s way of doing house chores. Recently, a man got angry because his wife wasn’t cooking the foods he wanted to eat. It’s important to remember that both people in a relationship are responsible for taking care of the house and their kids.