Well this is another story where Brightside don't bother with any replies
My Husband’s Ex-Wife Is Pregnant and I’m Mad, Because It Brings a Bunch of Problems For Us
The topic of ex-wives and ex-husbands in a new relationship may at times become a very painful one. Especially when there’s a constant presence of an ex-partner in a newly created family. Our today’s protagonist is a 34-year-old woman, who experienced even a tougher situation in her own life and marriage. The woman found out that her husband’s ex-wife is 4 months pregnant and she thinks it’s a huge problem that can potentially destroy the serenity of her marriage and bring severe consequences to her happy life with her husband. The desperate woman wrote us a letter and explained why she was so mad about the pregnancy news of her husband’s ex and why she believed this was the beginning of a big conflict in her own family.
Angela wrote us a heartfelt letter and shared her story with us.
Angela, our 34-year-old reader, has recently penned a very emotional letter to our editorial. The woman shared her story and explained why she can’t sleep peacefully at night and has strong anxiety now that she found out about her husband’s ex-wife’s pregnancy.
Angela confessed that she’s expecting various reactions from people to her situation, and she wrote that some people may as well judge her for her conflicting emotions. But at the same time, the woman wanted to receive some pieces of advice both from men and women who will be reading her story and who will have any thoughts on how Angela might proceed with solving the conflict that is appearing in her happy and peaceful family.
Angela and her husband have recently created a happy family of their own.
Angela opened her letter, saying, "My husband Dean and I have been married for 3 years now. For me, this marriage is everything. I fell in love with Dean when he was already divorced from his ex-wife and I believe that I don’t owe anything to this woman. I’ve never interfered with her marriage and didn’t cause their breakup. But for some reason, I’ve become very much involved with everything that has been going on between my husband and his ex-wife. And now I feel like I’m falling victim to their past relationship because I have to sacrifice too much for the sake of their diplomatic relationship.
Dean and his wife have 3 kids together, all of them are teenagers and they live with their mother. I’m currently pregnant with our baby and everything in the family seemed to go right, up until recently.
Some time ago, my husband’s ex called us and announced thrilling news. She said that she’s 4 months pregnant, and this might have been something that wouldn’t affect our family at all, since she’s having her own life now and no, my husband isn’t the father of this baby.
But her pregnancy announcement made me personally extremely mad and depressed. I’m anxious about it and I can’t sleep peacefully at night since then, because my husband remains the key figure in this situation, even against his will.
Angela is raging because of her husband’s position in this complex situation.
Angela goes on with her story, saying, “The main point is that there’s an existing legal agreement between my husband and his ex that he continues paying the mortgage on their house until their youngest son reaches 18. We are involved in his kids’ lives, we see them regularly and I have daily contact with them. They’re amazing children, and they’re not thrilled about having a new sibling, which I can understand due to their age.
But I’m mad, mainly because of my husband’s obligations, which means that he owns the house and pays the mortgage, and nobody else can live in this property. This was advised by the lawyer while they were getting divorced. And up until now, everyone was sure this was fair. Now, my husband’s ex-wife wants her partner, the father of this baby, to move in with her, and this means my husband will now be paying an entire mortgage for another guy’s baby and his ex-wife’s new man.”
The situation is escalating quickly.
Angela goes on with her story, saying, “What makes it even worse is that his ex said that if my husband insists on the sale of the house, she will have to move far away with 3 of their kids to live in a new place.
I’m also concerned that my husband does not pay for anything in my house, where we currently live, as he cannot afford any expenses because of paying this mortgage. I’ve been fine with this, but I also feel it’s quite unfair that we have to subsidize a new baby and his ex’s new partner. And now his ex is also manipulating and leaving him no choice, because their kids may live far from us.
Many people told me already that I shouldn’t feel like this, because everyone has a right to live their own life, but I feel very sorry for my spouse as he’s a very good person. He just wants to be fair with everyone. But I’m now unsure about our future and I can’t keep sacrificing more and more for the sake of his ex-wife’s happiness and comfort. What should I do?”
And here’s a story of a woman, who also expected to live a happy life after her SO left his wife for her. But unexpectedly, her life turned into a real nightmare, and here’s her story that provoked many debates among our readers.
Isn't the Legal point that the husband has to pay for the house until THEIR children are 18?
The new child will not be one of THEIR children since the husband is NOT the father.

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