My MIL Threw Away My Daughter’s Medication and Wants to Treat Her With Crystals

Family & kids
4 months ago

When it comes to your child’s health, you can’t take chances. In this story, our reader found her 6 y.o. daughter, who has asthma, struggling to breathe while her MIL used crystals instead of medication. After saving her daughter and kicking her MIL out, the mom is now being told to apologize.

One of our readers sent us a message.

Thank you for reaching out to us! This is a dangerous situation, and we understand your concerns. We’d like to offer some tips that might help you resolve it.

Don’t ask your MIL to babysit again.

What the h3ll does this have to do with the story she is sharing with us. She is asking for advice....Not some scam like your posting.


You absolutely did the right thing by acting quickly to find her medication and ensuring her safety. When it comes to a medical condition like asthma, you can’t take risks. Crystals and natural remedies may work for some things, but when your daughter’s breathing is at stake, medical treatment is non-negotiable. Always trust your instincts in these situations.

Tell your husband everything.

Explain to your husband how serious the situation was. Keep in mind that your MIL might not have told your husband the full story. She could have downplayed what really happened, making it seem less severe. Explain the situation in detail so he understands the gravity of what happened and why you had to take action.

Don’t feel pressured to apologize.

In this situation, apologizing when you’re in the right could send the wrong message — that it’s okay to ignore your daughter’s medical needs. Instead, stand firm. You reacted to protect your child, and that’s always your priority. If your husband and MIL don’t understand that, then more serious conversations are needed.

Set boundaries with your MIL.

Your MIL’s belief in natural remedies is fine, but she crossed a huge line by disregarding your daughter’s prescribed medical treatment. If she’s going to be involved in your daughter’s care moving forward, strict boundaries need to be set. She has to respect your daughter’s medical needs and follow your instructions. If she’s unwilling to do that, it’s not safe to leave your daughter in her care.

The job of a teacher comes with many unexpected challenges, especially when it comes to how others perceive you. In this article, one of our readers was reported by a parent for wearing “inappropriate” clothing that allegedly distracted a student.

Preview photo credit Vitolda Klein / Unsplash


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