My Wife Hides Her Pregnancy and Refuses to Get Prenatal Care

Some women are over the moon when they find out they’re expecting. However, for others, it’s a nightmare. Our reader is preoccupied with his wife because she denies that she got pregnant. What’s even worse, she doesn’t want to check whether his doubts are valid.

One of our readers sent us a message.

Thank you for reaching out to us. We’re sorry that you have to go through this. Here are some tips that might help you resolve the situation.

Tell her you know everything.

For some reason, your wife doesn’t want you to know about her pregnancy. Tell her that you accidentally heard her and found out everything.

It might not be just prenatal stress, the truth might be worse. Perhaps your wife has been hiding her pregnancy because the child isn’t yours. In any case, it’s better if you tell her you know about the situation and there’s no need to hide anything.

Take care of her.

Your wife doesn’t feel comfortable talking about pregnancy with you. Consider whether you’ve ever made negative comments about pregnancy or children. Find out the reasons why she’s scared to discuss this with you.

Perhaps you once mentioned that you didn’t like kids or weren’t ready to be a father. Now it seems like her denial of the pregnancy is a defense mechanism. Take care of her and let her know you love her no matter what.

Consider counseling.

If your wife still denies being pregnant, you might want to try counseling as a last resort. There might be a lot of hidden issues in your relationship that you both can’t resolve. A therapist can help you have
productive conversations in a safe space and support both of you during this challenging time.

Don’t pressure her.

Your wife is going through a lot of things right now, so it’s better not to force her. She might also be hiding the fact that she gets prenatal care.

If she doesn’t feel comfortable discussing pregnancy with you, it’s important to respect her boundaries. Just make sure that you, as a husband, provide her with everything she needs. It includes not only material support, but also emotional one.

It’s great when you have a loving and caring boyfriend who’s always here to help you. Unfortunately, not everyone has such supporting partners. In this article, our reader confessed that her husband was completely silent when his mother was berating her and insulting their child. His explanation made our reader reconsider her marriage.

Preview photo credit OSPAN ALI / Unsplash


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