9 Simple Math Tricks You’ll Wish You Had Always Known

It’s not entirely your fault if you’re terrible at math — maybe you just didn’t know the tricks to make any math problem a piece of cake. Well, now you will because Bright Side is bringing you a list of simple math tricks.

Multiplying large numbers in your head

Learning the nine times table

The butterfly method for adding and subtracting fractions

Multiplying by 11 (example: 11×32)

Memorizing Pi

Multiplying by 6, 7, 8, and 9 using only your hands

Finding the percentage of a number

Finding a fraction of a whole number

Converting Celcius to Farenheit and vice versa

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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year ago
This comment was too good to show it to everyone.

Sorry, this IS NOT new. I have been doing this IN MY HEAD, without the use of paper and pencil/pen - for probably 60 to 65 years. And that was way before someone came up with this NEW method.


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