15 Things Reddit Users Did to Get By When They Were Totally Broke

8 months ago

We all have moments when we are strapped for cash and have to make do with what we have. But some people have experienced extreme situations of poverty that are hard to imagine. In this article, we will share 15 of the brokest things that Reddit users have confessed to doing, from eating ketchup packets to stealing toilet paper.

  • My motorcycle headlight broke, so I started riding around with a flashlight in my mouth. True story. TedW / Reddit
  • Looked up google images of steak and milkshakes and other good meals while I was actually eating crackers and water trying to envision good food to make the experience more enjoyable. Gillguy34 / Reddit
  • Called in sick one day because I didn’t have enough gas money to drive to work. TrailerParkPrepper / Reddit
    I’ve done that, when I returned my boss just silently handed me $20 and said next time just ask me if you’re that short. Zerbey / Reddit
  • I was just starting out my career (I was 21 or so) and money was tight. I would go in 3x a week to a local synagogue and get free bagels there. If no one was looking I would stuff an extra into my suit pocket. Itchy-Picture-4282 / Reddit
  • Walked into a supermarket with an expired membership card and had samples for dinner. I made the rounds a few times. TheTyGoss / Reddit
  • Told my brother his Christmas gift was going to be delivered a couple of days after Christmas. Waited until I got a couple of gift cards, that I asked for a Christmas gift, and bought his gift using those. thuglife_7 / Reddit
  • Took showers at the gym, borrowed napkins and plastic utensils from restaurants, and lived off of protein powder and ramen. Book_bae / Reddit
  • Brokest and stupidest thing I did. I bought scratch tickets in hopes to win money to buy Christmas presents when I was 18. I didn’t want anyone to think I had money problems at the time, so I spent $10 on a scratcher and won $500. I don’t know how, but it was enough for car insurance and presents. FalseWeeknd / Reddit
  • I think my most shameful and ’felt so low’ moment was having to use toilet paper and scotch tape, as I couldn’t afford pads or tampons. blackbear008 / Reddit

These are some of the most shocking and heartbreaking stories of people who have struggled with poverty and had to resort to desperate measures. We hope that by reading them, you will gain a new perspective on life and appreciate what you have. Meanwhile, have a look at another article where people grown-up in poverty share things they consider to be a luxury.


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