Stylists Work Wonders With People’s Looks, and the Transformations Speak Louder Than Words

6 years ago

A famous image-designer and artist from Latvia, Konstantin Bogomolov, is a genius at finding the perfect personalized look for each person. Konstantin has worked for numerous fashion magazines, on TV, with modeling agencies, and has prepared fashion shows. Together with his students, he invites everyone to participate in the wonder of a style makeover at his beauty school. With the help of psychology and rich experience in fashion, Konstantin manages to find something unique about his subjects, helps them to open up to the world, to feel more confident, and blossom.

Bright Side found 20 inspiring works from Konstantin and his students, that will prove to you that every person can shine.

1. Yuliya (41), accountant

2. Lidia (43), accountant

3. Ilona (47), school teacher

4. Vilma (50), manager

5. Jūratė (42), florist

6. Mairita (36), operator

7. Natalia (41), housewife

8. Lyudmila and Tamara (65), twin sisters, dentists

9. Irina (42), interior designer

10. Natalia (38), school teacher

11. Jolanta (39), postal operator

12. Jolanta (53), entrepreneur

13. Daiva (38), financial consultant

14. Larisa (58), entrepreneur

15. Tatyana (46), manager

16. Zhanar (40), event agency director

17. Nikolay (31), freelance designer

18. Daria (35), marketing director

19. Brigita (36), housewife

20. Anna (34), manager

Which makeover was the most inspiring? Was there one you didn’t like? Have you ever participated in a style makeover yourself? Share with us in the comments!

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I must say that they are really good makeovers. No stupid or extravagant things. The makeup artist really knew how to improve their features.


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