Taylor Swift Becomes a Person of The Year, Pushing Back King Charles III

10 months ago

Taylor Swift’s year of success is not over yet. Recently, Time Magazine declared Swift as its Person of the Year (2023), coming a week after Spotify revealed she had become the most-played artist on their streaming platform.


Taylor Swift was chosen from a pool of nine finalists, which included Barbie, King Charles III, and OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman, among others.

“While her popularity has grown across the decades, this is the year that Swift, 33, achieved a kind of fusion: shooting art and commerce together to release an energy of historic force,” Time stated regarding her selection.

By the way, to the photo shoot for the Time’s cover, Swift brought her cat Benjamin Button and was photographed with him.

Throughout this year, the 33-year-old artist embarked on her “Eras Tour,” touring the world to music spanning her entire career. Her tour not only set new records for ticket sales but also significantly contributed to the economies of all the cities she visited, leaving a positive impact.

Talking about her achievement, she said:This is the proudest and happiest I’ve ever felt, and the most creatively fulfilled and free I’ve ever been. Ultimately, we can convolute it all we want, or try to overcomplicate it, but there’s only one question: Are you not entertained?”


Although Swift was a superstar before 2023, her career soared to unprecedented levels due to her latest tour. The demand for tickets was incredibly high, causing the ticket websites to crash; and, in Seattle, her concerts even caused seismic activity equivalent to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake.

“It feels like the breakthrough moment of my career, happening at 33,” she says. “And for the first time in my life, I was mentally tough enough to take what comes with that.”

fan of Taylor Swift was spotted selling a set of used disposable contact lenses for $10,000. They claimed that these contacts were worn during Taylor Swift’s tour, and this online listing quickly went viral.

Preview photo credit taylorswift / Instagram, HANDOUT/AFP/East News


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