The Incredible Love Story of Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori, Who Went Through Fire and Water to Be Together

7 months ago

Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori are one of the most enduring couples in the film industry, as they have been married for almost six decades. However, few people know that the actor’s future wife did not fall for his charms right away. In fact, their wedding day was also full of challenges and surprises.

  • Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori crossed paths in 1963 on the set of the movie Uno strano tipo. She was only 19 and just beginning her career on the big screen. He was 25 and already a successful singer and actor, having released several albums, won several vocal contests, and starred in several films.
  • When they met, Claudia was not impressed by Adriano’s bold personality, and he was annoyed by her indifference. He vowed to win her over and started to pursue her relentlessly. However, there was a problem: Adriano was already engaged to Milena Cantu, a perfume shop consultant.
  • During the filming of Uno strano tipo, Claudia accidentally caused a lamp to explode, and some shards hit Adriano’s face. She felt guilty and went to apologize to him. Adriano seized the chance and asked her out for coffee. She agreed, but kept her distance, thinking that he was unreliable and fickle.
  • After the movie premiere, they went their separate ways, as he went on tour. Claudia still thought that it was not a good idea to date him. But everything changed when he sent her an invitation to his concert. She attended, and at the end of the show, she was surprised by a romantic gesture: Adriano sang a ballad and declared his love for Claudia in front of the audience.
  • Their relationship began after that moment, and soon they decided to tie the knot. In 1964, they got married in a secret ceremony at 3 a.m. to avoid the media attention. However, things did not go as smoothly as they hoped.
    Claudia did not like the tie that Adriano had chosen, and she gave him a disapproving look that was captured in a photo. They even argued over the tie before the ceremony. Claudia was also unhappy with her dress, which she thought was too short. Despite these issues, they exchanged their vows and became husband and wife.
  • A year later, they welcomed their daughter Rosita, and later on, two more children. Mori gave up her career to some extent, as she became the wife of one of the most sought-after men in the world. She focused on being Celentano’s image-maker and producer instead of pursuing her own acting dreams.
  • One day, she tipped off the press that her husband was blocking traffic on one of the streets. The paparazzi rushed to the scene and found Adriano dancing in the middle of the road. He claimed that he was just rehearsing a scene for a movie, but he was arrested for his daring stunt. Needless to say, the movie was a huge hit when it premiered.
Universal Archive / UIG Art and History / East News
  • Their marriage was not without troubles. Mori was once called the most jealous woman in Italy, but her actions showed otherwise. Her husband was always surrounded by women. Once, an avid fan of the actor even hid in their bedroom. Claudia did not make a scene but told the press that she was honored by such attention towards her husband.
Universal Archive / UIG Art and History / East News
  • The actor tested his wife’s patience in the 1980s. Back then, there were rumors that Adriano was having an affair with Ornella Muti, his co-star in the movie The Taming of the Scoundrel. When Claudia found out, she packed up the children and left for the countryside on the other side of the country.
  • She gave the press a brief but clear comment on the situation: “Accidental betrayal is not at all a reason for parting. She is forgivable. And for a man, casual relationships are like a mechanic inspecting a new car.” Celentano, who admitted to having an affair with Muti many years later, publicly apologized and came back to his family.
  • To celebrate their 40th anniversary, Mori and Celentano invited guests and sent them handwritten invitations. In each of them, Adriano wrote, “We still love each other madly.”
  • Now the couple lives in a villa in the outskirts of Milan and leads a rather private life. They avoid parties and prefer to take care of their horses, play tennis, and spend time with their children and their grandson. Recently Celentano gave his beloved a fountain, with a statue of Claudia herself in the center. The fountain is in their garden.
  • Claudia and Adriano have been married for 59 years. They dislike the media attention, so they choose to celebrate their anniversaries with their family. Mori cannot imagine having to live without the man she loves. She said, “In the evening when I go to bed I recite my little prayer and the first thing I say is that, if one of the two were missing, I hope it will be me, because I couldn’t bear to live without him.”
  • Celentano has also confessed that his heart has always belonged to Claudia. And Mori, in turn, likes to say that she has never met a man as interesting as her husband.

Tom Hanks, who has been married to Rita Wilson for 35 years, can also boast of a strong marriage. The actor believes that one of the keys to their happy marriage is the skill of compromising even on important matters.


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