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The reality TV show, Little People, Big World, which premiered back in 2006, has become a destiny for one of its members, Zach Roloff. He’s a man with a special condition called dwarfism, which means his height is 4"4′, and he has some severe medical complications because of his condition. But this never prevented him from finding the true love of his life, Tori, and like many truly beautiful stories, this one started unexpectedly.
Here at Bright Side, we truly believe that a genuine feeling will always find its way to people’s hearts. Today, we want to tell you the story about Tori and Zach’s relationship, which could inspire many people to ditch all social stereotypes and be happy in a strong relationship.
Zach and Tori first met when Tori started working on Zach’s parents’ farm for pumpkin season in 2010. The young woman was picking squash with Zach and his parents, Matt and Amy, who both have dwarfism, like Zach.
In her interview with People, Tori recalls how their first date happened. “A coworker told me, ’Zachary really thinks you’re cute but doesn’t think you’ll ever go out with him,’” she said. “Our first date lasted 5 hours, and we’ve been together ever since.”
Though it was clear early on that Tori and Zach were really interested in each other in a romantic sense, it was an unfamiliar area for Zach. As he told People, this was his first romantic date, and he didn’t know what to expect. “I’d never really dated before,” he revealed in his interview.
Fortunately, Tori was patient, and she spent long days on Zach’s family farm. They started playing soccer together on the weekends and had this time to really make Zach comfortable with making his first move.
The couple wed in July 2015. After their wedding, Zach confessed that Tori brought him out of his shell and made him more social. “She gave me confidence,” he said in his interview.
Their relationship was filmed further in Little People, Big World, and Tori, at first, was uncomfortable with this. But later, she realized that the show has helped her a lot in understanding an important thing about her family. “We’re such a unique pairing, and we have a really cool story to share, but it was terrifying,” she said. “But the show has helped me realize I shouldn’t worry about what other people think.”
Tori and Zach went through many challenges together, including a miscarriage. In her interview, Tori revealed, “My husband has been my unwavering rock through this whole journey. He has been by my side through it all and I couldn’t have done it without him.”
She also confessed, “If there is any silver lining here, it’s the realization of how truly blessed we are. We have 2 happy healthy thriving kids, and I know that’s not afforded to everyone. We have 2 kids who we get to snuggle and love on every day.”
Have you followed Tori and Zach’s love story on TV? What were your feelings when you found out about this strong, loving couple?