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Unlocking the Mystery: The Secret Purpose of 12 Common Things
Many everyday objects are equipped with hidden features that we may not be aware of. From mundane household items to sophisticated gadgets, we rely on these tools and use them frequently. Yet, there are ways to enhance their usefulness. Come along as we shed light on these 12 little-known capabilities of the everyday objects you thought you knew so well.
1. That big hole in milk jugs
The milk jug has a useful feature that you may not have noticed. On its side, there is a circular indentation that is not just for decoration. It actually helps prevent it from exploding as the milk ages.
This is because as milk ages, it produces gases that can increase the pressure inside the container. If the pressure gets too high, the jug could burst. But the concave circle is flexible and can expand to release the extra buildup.
2. That colorful item inside the shower head
The small, colorful item inside your shower head is a flow reducer. These tiny pieces help conserve water by reducing the amount that flows through the shower head. While it may seem like a small change, it can add up to significant water savings and a lower utility bill over time. Plus, you can still enjoy a relaxing and refreshing shower while knowing you’re doing your part for the environment.
3. That additional button on the shirt
That small, inconspicuous button is known as the “tweener button” and serves a unique purpose. It is strategically placed between the second and third buttons on the shirt, providing an additional option for men who want to bridge the gap between looking too buttoned-up and not buttoned-up enough.
4. That hole in the bicycle rim
Some bicycles have a small hole in the rim that lets water out. It is located either at a 90° or 180° angle from the valve. It’s there to use the force of the spinning wheel to push the water out. The hole is only 2.5 mm in size, and while it’s not necessary to have it, it can be helpful in stopping water from building up while you’re riding.
5. The small hole on lollipop sticks
The small hole in the lollipop serves 2 important purposes. First, while it’s being made, the hot liquid is poured onto the stick and the hole helps keep the syrup in place while it’s being consumed. This prevents the candy from falling off the stick.
Second, the hole is also a safety feature, in case someone accidentally swallows the stick. The hole allows air to still enter, preventing choking.
6. Half-belt coats
Nowadays, this design is used as a fashion statement. However, in the past, the half-belt is used to tighten uniforms and allow the wearer to move more comfortably.
7. Those small bumps or ridges found on the F and J keys on a computer keyboard
The ridges found on the F and J keys on a computer keyboard are not just decorative elements. In fact, they are designed to help users properly position their hands on the keyboard without having to look down.
They are called “homing bars” and they serve as a tactile guide for touch typists. Touch typing is a skill that allows users to type without having to look at the keyboard, using muscle memory and finger placement to type quickly and accurately.
8. The circle top on Glad Tupperware
Glad Tupperware is a great example of how even the most seemingly simple and straightforward items can have hidden features that can make our lives easier and more convenient. For instance, the circle top can be used to separate liquids from other foods in the container.
9. The inside of the cap on a pill bottle
Pill bottle caps are typically designed with an internal threading mechanism that is meant to act like a safety lock. However, it has been discovered that by flipping the cap upside down, you can easily bypass it. Just make sure that it’s out of reach and in a secure location to prevent any accidents or misuse.
10. That curved thing on top of the scissors
The curved part on the top of a pair of scissors serves as an extended handle for the second finger. Thanks to this part, you can direct the scissors more precisely, using your middle finger to push or pull and adjust the angle as needed. Since the first and middle digits are both sensitive and strong, having them both involved in the cutting process can be beneficial.
11. That small pocket next to the collar of a shirt
The little finger-length pocket next to the collar of a shirt is not just a random design choice. In fact, it actually serves a specific purpose. It’s called a shoulder mic clip and is often used by people in the law enforcement, security, or military professions. The clip is designed to hold a microphone close to the wearer’s mouth, allowing for better communication during radio transmissions.
12. The thing that dangles from a shower head

This allows you to change the shower setting. It is typically called a “shower head diverter” or a “shower head switch.” It is often a small lever or button that you can turn or push to switch between different water flow options, like a rain shower, a massage setting, or a more concentrated spray.

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