Video: Serena Williams Reveals “Natural” Body Shape Post-Second Baby, Faces Skirt Fitting Struggles

8 months ago

Serena Williams, a mom of two, just posted a video being real about her post-baby body. She tried squeezing into this cool Valentino denim skirt she got when she was pregnant, thinking it would fit after losing her baby belly.

Serena, being super relatable, admitted she got a bit distracted for a while and hasn’t shed the baby weight yet.

Even though Serena hasn’t hit her goal yet, she’s all in to hit the gym and slip into that skirt within a month. Her Instagram followers flooded her with support and praise. One person emphasized the importance of natural bodies, saying, “Natural bodies matter.”

Another appreciated Serena for sharing the reality of postpartum, not just the glamorous Instagram version. And a third simply called her adorable. The love and encouragement are pouring in!

She’s is all about keeping it real.

Serena is already on her way to getting back in shape, and she shared a sneak peek of her weightlifting workout on Instagram. She mentioned using lighter plates than usual but explained that she’s easing back into her regular routine. Baby steps on the comeback trail!

Serena Williams shared the news of her pregnancy in May 2023 through an Instagram trailer for her YouTube vlog. Back then, she was already a mom to a toddler named Olympia Ohanian, with her husband, Alexis Ohanian. Recently, she posted a photo of her and her daughter having a great time on a beach vacation.

But wait, there’s more. Serena Williams isn’t just talking about motherhood; she’s sharing the raw realities, including a near-death experience. Brace yourself for the unfiltered truth!

Preview photo credit serenawilliams / Instagram


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