We Used AI to See What 13 People From Emblematic Paintings Would Look Like as Real Humans

11 months ago

There is a massive debate at the moment about whether AI-generated art should be considered art at all. And while we can’t be the judges of that, we can surely test this powerful tool’s abilities. From making artwork to writing new songs, AI is here to stay, and it will only become more powerful in the coming years. That’s why we experimented with it a bit and imagined what some famous faces in paintings would look like as real people in this day and age.

1. American Gothic

2. Le Désespéré

3. Mona Lisa

4. Vincent Van Gogh’s self-portrait

5. Vertumnus

6. The Arnolfini portrait

7. Portrait of Ludwig van Beethoven

8. Cecilia Gallerani

9. Postman Joseph Roulin

10. Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen painting his wife’s portrait

11. Frida Kahlo’s self-portrait

12. The Birth of Venus

13. Adele Bloch-Bauer I

AI is a powerful tool that not only allows us to envision what people from the past would look like today, but also how celebrities that are not with us anymore would look if they were still alive. It’s also funny to imagine what famous people would look like as Disney princes and princesses.


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