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Binge eating disorder (BED) is something that affects 2% of the population worldwide. Most people who suffer from it will go on food binges for a couple of hours at a time without thinking about the consequences. It’s not just about eating as much as possible, but for many who suffer from it, it involves covering up deeper psychological issues. It’s a defense mechanism that can create an array of other problems.
Bright Side feels like it’s important to know the basics of this disorder in order to be able to identify and address it. And you should make sure to visit a medical professional if you recognize signs of this disorder.
There are quite a few reasons why someone might be dealing with this disorder.
Almost 50% of those suffering from BED are also obese, putting themselves at very high risk for multiple health problems. Diabetes, sleep problems, chronic pain, asthma, and irritable bowel syndrome are some of the most common issues. Due to these factors, they are more likely to end up at a healthcare facility to be taken care of. Also, people suffering from BED have reported having trouble with social interactions.
Preventing binge eating disorder isn’t actually possible, but there is a way to address it early on. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, you can turn to your doctor for advice and treatment options. If you have a child and notice from early on that their relationship with food is getting unhealthy, you should talk to a medical expert. Tackling the issue in its early stages will help you and your kid identify and treat it.
What is your relationship with food, and do you know of anyone that has an unhealthy back and forth with it?