What “Squid Game” Characters Would Look Like If They Were Played by Hollywood Stars

3 years ago

Squid Game took the world by storm in the first 28 days of its release in 2021. However, the show was actually written in 2008, and its director, Hwang Dong-hyuk, wanted it to be a feature film and originally called it Round Six. But it was rejected by Korean production companies before Netflix stepped in to create a Netflix original series, and we’re happy with the final result.

We at Bright Side grew curious about what squid games characters would look like if they were played by Hollywood actors. And you’ll be surprised to see these switches.

1. HoYeon Jung and Jessica Alba

2. Lee Jung-jae and Keanu Reeves

3. Park Hae-soo and Channing Tatum

4. Wi Ha-joon and Tom Cruise

5. Lee Byung-hun and Benedict Cumberbatch

6. Lee Yoo-mi and Margot Robbie

7. Heo Sung-tae and Tom Hardy

8. Gong Yoo and Will Smith

9. Kim Joo-ryoung and Jennifer Lawrence

10. Anupam Tripathi and Riz Ahmed

Which Hollywood star do you think would have played the characters from Squid Game as good as the original actors? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!


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