A Japanese Artist Creates Unique Sculptures Out of Twisted Balloons

2 years ago

Who would have thought balloons could create artistic masterpieces? Well, one man has done exactly that. The talented Japanese artist, Ryo Kajiyama, creates complex characters and objects entirely out of twisted balloons.

At Bright Side, we love to see artists that are hidden gems, and Ryo Kajiyama is certainly one of them. So today, we’ve decided to show you 15+ photos of his amazing work.

1. Frozen

2. Queen Amidala and Yoda

3. Batman vs Superman

4. Minions

5. Mickey Mouse

6. Jack Skellington and Mayor

7. Hatsune Miku

8. Marilyn Monroe

9. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

10. Super Mario

11. Captain Jack Sparrow

12. Fisherman

13. Pac-Man

14. Rapunzel

15. The Wizard of Oz

16. Violinist

Which character was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!


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