15 Unbelievable Pillows That’ll Let You Drool All Over Your Favorite Snacks

3 years ago

Many of us have favorite snacks that make us feel better and happier when we eat them. But if eating those snacks alone is not enough, there’s a fancy way to add your favorite tastes and flavors to your life. Designers have come up with a whole bunch of crazy food imitating pillows, and some of them are so detailed they might make you salivate when you see them.

Here at Bright Side, we’ve selected these 15 pillows for you that mimic our favorite foods, and don’t miss the bonus at the end of the list — you’ll find a few food pillows for your pets.

1. This pillow imitates a fried chicken leg, and we have to say it looks pretty realistic.

You can buy it here.

2. If you’re a fan of fried chicken wings, this pillow will make your mouth water.

You can buy it here.

3. We could almost feel the scent of some freshly baked bread when we looked at this pillow.

You can buy it here.

4. And this bread pillow looks hyper realistic!

You can buy it here.

5. With this pillow, the phrase “couch potato” has a whole new meaning.

You can buy it here.

6. A burger pillow for tasty dreams

You can buy it here.

7. If you’re a fan of sweet glazed donuts, you may like this pillow.

You can buy it here.

8. And these 2 pillows can become the perfect gift for those who love sushi.

You can buy it here.

You can buy it here.

9. We bet you could almost smell the smoky scent of grilled corn when looking at this pillow.

You can buy it here.

10. This pillow is actually a whole bucket of crusty French fries that you can sleep on.

You can buy it here.

11. Our list of pillows for foodies would not be complete without this pizza shaped cushion.

You can buy it here.

12. This cookie pillow can make your autumn nights cozier. Don’t forget to make yourself a nice cup of hot chocolate.

You can buy it here.

13. These detailed pumpkin pillows can also be a nice Halloween home decoration.

You can buy it here.

14. With these pillows you can cover your couch with a whole bunch of juicy dumplings.

You can buy it here.

15. These waffle pillows look so puffy that it seems they might have some filling inside.

You can buy it here.

BONUS: You can buy some snack shaped cushions for your pets too!

You can buy it here.

You can buy it here.

You can but it here.

What do you think of pillows that imitate food? Would you like to have a pillow that copies your favorite snack?

Preview photo credit Amazon.com, Amazon.com


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