10 Everyday Hazards We May Be Unintentionally Exposing Our Children To

Family & kids
2 years ago

Raising a child is an adventure as beautiful as it is challenging. Everyday life is full of situations that could be potentially dangerous for our little ones and, as parents, we could be exposing our own children to several of them without knowing it. Lending them a cell phone, giving them fruit juice for drinking, and buying teething necklaces are just a few of the situations that, at first glance, seem harmless, but could cause great harm to them.

Bright Side loves to walk parents through the different stages of parenting and put together this list of some harmful things you might be unintentionally doing to your kids.

1. Making them use baby walkers

You may have been one of those parents who decided to buy a baby walker to help your baby in the process of learning to walk. However, you should know that experts don’t recommend them. The use of this device by children generates several disadvantages, such as delaying the onset of independent walking and increasing the risk of accidents (children have access to things in the house that, without walkers, would be out of reach).

The best way to teach children to walk is with the help of adults, so perhaps you can take the children by the hand and accompany them in their first steps or provide them with a comfortable surface at their height to lean on, such as a bench.

2. Lending them your cell phone

The cell phone is often a great ally of adults to entertain children. And yes, sometimes this “magical” device is the only thing that manages to attract their attention for several minutes. However, it is important to know that cell phones emit certain levels of radiation, and being exposed to them can increase the chances of suffering from certain serious diseases. In addition, there are studies that associate children’s exposure to cell phones with neurological problems, psychological addictions, and behavioral problems.

Instead of giving children the phone, it would be much better to provide them with a toy or entertain them with another activity that doesn’t affect their development.

3. Giving them fruit juice for drinking

If you offer fruit juice to children, they will probably happily accept it, but while it may seem like we are giving them something healthy to drink, that isn’t really the case. Fruit juice is a good source of vitamins and minerals, but it also contains high amounts of sugar. This makes children want to consume it in large quantities, making them more prone to cavities.

If you want your children to incorporate nutrients from fruits, the best thing to do is eat them alongside a vegetable. This way, they can benefit from all their nutrients as well as hydrate themselves and improve their eating habits.

4. Putting them in very warm clothes

Keeping children at the right temperature is a fundamental task for parents. Sometimes, we tend to think that our little ones are too cold and we overdress them. What you need to know is that this can cause fever (because newborns aren’t able to regulate their temperature), skin rashes, and excessive energy expenditure to try to balance their temperature (which could make it difficult for them to gain weight). Therefore, it’s key to constantly check the baby’s room and body temperature to avoid overloading them with unnecessary coats and layers.

5. Carrying toys in the car seat

It’s true that for some children the car ride can be boring and tiring. That’s why it’s normal for parents to allow them to bring along some extra toys to make the ride a little more bearable and fun. But guess what? It’s not a good idea. The toys that children have in their hands can become heavy and dangerous in the event of a car crash. In addition, it’s common that our little ones lose their toys in the car and ask adults to look for them, which could distract you from driving.

6. Using pillows in the crib

When we hear about the arrival of a baby in the family, it is normal that we want to buy hundreds of objects to decorate the room and achieve a beautiful and harmonious space. And the crib is a central component of any baby’s bedroom design. An important thing to keep in mind when putting it together is to try not to fill it with pillows and blankets. Any object that is loose in the baby’s crib may cause the child to suffocate, so the crib should be as free and empty as possible.

7. Using bathtub seats

Bath time is an important moment in a baby’s life, not only because they usually enjoy it, but also because it is a moment of play and a time to connect with parents. Bath seats are very useful to support the baby during bath time, but they can be dangerous if we relax. Perhaps we think that, since they have the seat, we can leave them alone for a minute while we do something else, and this is a serious mistake. The child can turn over and have an accident in the bathtub. Remember, these elements are useful as long as we don’t take our eyes off our little ones.

8. Buying teething necklaces

Teething necklaces have become increasingly popular among parents and are often used to relieve babies’ pain when they start teething. However, some specialists warn about the dangers of using this type of jewelry on children. If the necklace breaks, the child could swallow a part of it and choke or suffer an infection in the mouth or gums.

9. Cooking with them

According to statistics, the most serious of child accidents in the home happen in the kitchen. It is a space where parents probably spend a lot of time and, in addition, it is full of attractions that make children curious. So cooking with children isn’t forbidden, but it’s essential that you do it following all the precautions to avoid accidents. For example: do not carry liquids or hot containers if the child is in the kitchen, make sure that the handles of pots on the stove do not protrude, block access to drawers containing knives or sharp objects, and unplug and remove electrical appliances from the child’s reach.

10. Leaving them alone on the changing table or in bed

Perhaps it’s common for parents to think that since young babies can’t move around, it is safe to leave them alone in bed or on the changing table. However, this isn’t the case. While they can’t move around on their own, they could still make movements that could result in a fall and subsequent injuries or a fracture. That’s why experts recommend never, ever leaving your baby alone and unattended.

What did you think of these tips? Has your child ever been involved in one of these potentially dangerous situations? How did you react? Let us know in the comments!


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