18 People Who Prove Married Life Is Like a Never-Ending Drama

Family & kids
2 years ago

All fairy tales end with a wedding and happily ever after. But in real life, you have to deal with challenges that come up amid a mixing of characters and everyday issues. This compilation proves that a sense of humor will help you to handle any problem and reach a new level of intimacy with your partner.

1. “My wife’s pregnancy photo shoot dressed as Vecna from Stranger Things

2. “My husband did the laundry.”

3. “My wife got mad at me for the sandwich I made. I can’t seem to figure out why.”

4. “Told my husband I wanted a cat, and this is the label he put on one of my gifts...”

5. “From my wedding a while ago — in the first picture my mother-in-law was telling my husband she wanted grandkids, and the bottom picture was his reaction.”

6. “I just saw the look I was giving to my wife’s grandmother at my wedding.”

7. “I guess I’m still getting used to this whole marriage thing.”

8. “My wife and daughter and my ’extremely boring’ puzzle they weren’t interested in for the last 20 minutes”

9. “My wife thought she was sneaky hiding cookies in the sewing kit.”

10. “My wife went to the flea market and brought home a wall decoration for the bathroom.”

11. “My colorblind husband did the laundry.”

12. “My wife bought a mirror sticker for the garage gym. Looks great!”

13. “My husband and I don’t own a cat but have mentioned we’re thinking of getting one. This is our Christmas haul. Now we need to get a cat.”

14. “My husband says he’s never had any desire to ever cheat. I mean it’s comforting to hear but his shoe rotation already told me that.”

15. “I caught my wife throwing these away last night. I grabbed them out of the trash for our boys.”

16. “A Van Gogh birthday cake my husband made me — I loved it.”

17. “Asked my husband to hand-whip some heavy cream. Hear strange noises and walk in on this.”

My housemate (M) does that for cleaning the toilet bowl - he uses a hard bristle attachment - never saw that before living here


18. “What I love about my parents is that after 41 years of marriage, they still know how to embarrass their kids.”

What would you have liked to know about marriage before you got married? In what way has your marriage changed with time? Feel free to tell us your stories in the comments!


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