I prefer owning dogs myself😁
Why More Women Are Choosing to Remain Childfree
Bright Side has identified the possible reasons behind this rising trend and would like to share them with our audience.
Mothers are less likely to get hired.
According to a study, mothers face numerous disadvantages when it comes to working. They suffer a wage gap and are perceived as less competent. In contrast, men were found to have no significant drawbacks once becoming fathers.
Mothers tend to get sick more often.
Having children can make marriages too stressful.
Marriages are hard by default and having kids can actually add more strain to the relationship. According to experts, after becoming parents, the level of satisfaction decreases between the partners which often leads to them drifting apart.
It is good for the environment.
While traveling less and eating a plant-based diet help in contributing to a better planet, choosing to not have children is the best thing you can do for the planet. Having one less child can reduce the carbon dioxide level in the world by 58.6 metric tons.
Of course, there are disadvantages too.
Being childfree may equal more independence and less stress, but that doesn’t make it perfect. When you go child-free, you might not have anyone to take care of you in old age. You will also miss out on experiencing what most people think is the best feeling in the world.
Having a kid or not both have their own ups and downs, choose the path that feels easier for you. Don’t let what others say cloud your judgment.
Have you chosen to have kids or decided to remain childfree? We’d love to hear your reasons in the comments!
And of course you had to throw in some bingos. Way supportive of the childfree.
I think it's great that women can have this choice today!
Still haven't decided if I want to be a mother or not, guess time will tell :)
I prefer having pets tbh

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