20 Facts About Japan That Can Involuntarily Shock an Unprepared Person

We at Bright Side discovered how exactly nasal treatment can help our bodies and share 5 Indian secrets. Please, consult with your doctor if you would like to try it.
The oils used for Nasya therapy has a positive effect on the venous and nervous system. It relieves the blockage of the channels. As a result, it also had a large impact on the greying of hair and its quality in general.
Insomnia is often treated with sedatives. Nasya offers another natural way of treating this problem. Researchers say that it’s highly effective in inducing a good quality of sleep. Patients who had trouble staying awake while driving or engaging in social activity during the daytime showed remarkable improvement on this parameter.
After Nasya therapy, a protective layer forms as a barrier on the surface of the nasal mucosa. The allergens no longer come in contact with the nasal cells and don’t trigger allergy symptoms.
Have you ever tried Nasya therapy? What oils and herbs do you use to take care of your health?