7 Facts That Prove Autumn Has a More Powerful Effect on Our Body Than We Might Think

3 years ago

The arrival of autumn means shorter days, changes in the leaves, and the signal of change in human bodies and lifestyles. Whether it’s skin dryness or hair loss, our bodies surely experience some normal effects that can be scientifically explained during this time of year. Needless to say, these changes vary from a person to another.

1. Your skin may start feeling dry.

One of the biggest impacts of autumn on our bodies is skin dryness. It has been proven by dermatologists that every seasonal change in temperature acts as a shock to the system, disrupting the typical chemical balance of our skin and causing dryness. The arrival of autumn is no exception.

Quick tip: Keep your skin hydrated by drinking water and consuming foods that are high in water content. Don’t forget to use moisturizers too.

2. Your hair could lose its quality and fall out.

This is particularly common, and while some people start freaking out, thinking that they might go completely bald, some believe that it’s extremely normal during this season. The reason behind the hair fallout during autumn is the “evolutionary leftover.” This means that we need extra hair during the summer to protect our scalp from UV lights, but once the protection is not needed anymore, the hair starts shedding.

Quick tip: In order to keep the hair healthy during autumn, we need to keep it hydrated, avoid hot water, and do scalp massages regularly.

3. You may sleep longer than usual.

During fall, you may notice that you have a tendency to sleep more than before, and there is an explanation for this. Actually, the decrease in the amount of daylight in autumn influences the body’s sleep-wake cycle. The less light exposure during the day, the more tired and fatigued you might feel.

Quick tip: There isn’t much you can do about this. On the contrary, try to enjoy the sun whenever you can catch some, and get as much rest as you can — it certainly can’t do any harm.

4. You consume more energy-dense foods.

Fall signals the end of summer and the coming of winter, so our brain sends signals to our body to increase its insulin resistance. Our bodies boost fat production, and we start storing fat so that we can prepare for winter and survive during the colder temperatures. So the moment the weather starts feeling a bit colder, we start craving ingredients high in carbs and fats.

Quick tip: The best thing you can do is to stay active as much as you can and control what you consume regularly to avoid any health problems.

5. If you suffer from anxiety, you may experience a spike in symptoms.

The transition from summer to autumn might affect our mood and well-being — it’s called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). During autumn, the anxiety may build up due to the beginning of a new school year, the looming stress of the holiday season, or possible regret from not having achieved desired goals over the summer, according to experts.

Quick tip: If you start feeling down during this season, try to take part in outdoor activities and enjoy the sunlight as much as possible. Vitamin D plays a huge role in regulating mood and fighting depression.

6. Autumn sunshine could damage your eyes.

Unprotected sun exposure during autumn could bring real danger to our eyes, based on research. The arrival of this season brings low sun and light, which increases the total amount of UV radiation our eyes are exposed to. And the exposure could cause severe eye conditions, like photokeratitis.

Quick tip: Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses before stepping out the door. You can also add protection by wearing a hat, cap, or visor.

7. Your body becomes particularly susceptible to the flu.

Autumn is the change of seasons between summer and winter, so the weather is changing and so is the temperature. This change creates a favorable environment for the flu and other viruses, which is why people tend to get more sick during the fall, according to medical practitioners.

Quick tip: In order to prevent illnesses that might occur during this season, you should follow a good hygiene routine and incorporate daily healthy habits. Don’t forget to get your vaccines to boost your metabolism.

Do you experience these effects on your body during autumn? What else do you notice that wasn’t on this list?

Please note: This article was updated in October 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit TanyaLovus / Depositphotos


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