How to Sleep in Your Favorite Position Without Harming Your Health

6 years ago

Doctors claim that it’s your favorite sleep position that can cause problems with your health. Meanwhile, you don’t have to change your habits to be healthy, you just need to make some corrections.

Bright Side gathered specialists’ recommendations on how to sleep in our favorite sleep positions and stay safe and sound.

If you sleep on your side

Scientists found out that cerebrospinal fluid gets rid of toxins better if we sleep on our side. It reduces headaches and the risk of getting Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Additionally, sleep on the left side eases heartburn but increases the pressure on the liver.

  • In case of digestive issues doctors recommend sleeping on the left side. It helps improve the bloodstream, relieving the gullet and the stomach.

  • To keep your back straight when you sleep on your side, put a hard and small pillow between your legs: it’ll reduce the pressure on joints. Put a soft and big pillow under your head.

  • In case of high blood pressure and problems with blood circulation it’s recommended to sleep on your right side: it’ll reduce the pressure on your heart.

If you sleep on your back

Sleeping on your back is the best position if you have spine and joint problems. This position also prevents heartburn and wrinkles. But it’s one of the worst positions if you have nose problems, high blood pressure, or snore.

  • To get rid of snoring, use a “plump” pillow (or a small under your neck pillow) so that upper air-passages are in the correct position.

  • In case of a runny nose use a couple of pillows to lift your head. This will prevent mucus from staying in your sinuses (the angle shouldn’t be too large so it doesn’t harm your neck).

  • In case of back and joint pain put a small pillow under your neck, a big but flat pillow under your knees, and a twisted towel under your lower back. It’ll support the spine and ensure normal blood flow.

If you sleep on your stomach

Japanese researchers found out that sleeping face down helps to reduce blood pressure, improve digestion, and get rid of snoring and heartburn.

  • To protect the spine from excessive bending and reduce the pressure on the lower back, put a small pillow under your stomach and pelvic region. A pillow under your head should be flat or you just can remove it so that your neck doesn’t suffer.

The fetal position

The position where knees are raised high to the chin can be comfy but it affects our back health. This curved position that limits diaphragmatic breathing will prevent you from snoring but if you have breathing issues, like asthma, it’s suggested to avoid this sleeping position altogether.

  • To straighten your back, make sure your legs and arms are in the correct position and your chest is “free.” Put one big and soft pillow between your legs and another one between your elbows. Doctors think that the perfect pillow to put under your head is a small but puffy pillow to hold your neck.

And what is your favorite sleep position? Do you already use any of these tips?

Please note: This article was updated in May 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Model Natalia Simonina for Bright Side


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