9 Male Traits That Prove a Guy Is Total Husband Material

2 years ago

How do you picture a perfect husband? We’re sure that there are lots of positive traits that can be added to the list. In this article, we examine how much female expectations match actual facts that have been proven by scientists.

In order to do this, Bright Side has examined the most common marriage studies and are excited to report what an ideal partner really is, according to the experts.

1. Intelligence: Smart men earn more money.

There is nothing strange about the fact that some people are simply smarter than others. However, according to scientists from Finland, women should choose smarter men for a stable and happy marriage. Smarter men also earn more money than less intelligent ones.

During this research, scientists studied 200,000 Finnish men ages 18 to 45. The scientists took a lot of variables into account, and, according to their findings, intelligence is one of the things that influences the success of a marriage the most.

2. Physical shape: Weight difference between husband and wife.

The scientists from the University of Tennessee came to the conclusion that men and women are more satisfied with a marriage when a woman is in better shape than her husband. She doesn’t have to look like a supermodel. All that matters is the weight difference.

The specialists warn that the level of human happiness is influenced by hundreds of factors and weight is only one of them. But their study proves that women shouldn’t constantly be chasing some mythical ideal of beauty, trying to lose weight all the time. It’s not necessary for finding a partner and building a happy relationship with him.

3. A sense of humor: It’s you who should laugh, not everyone else.

No matter how handsome a man is, most women value their sense of humor much more than their appearance.

Scientists, Christopher J. Wilbur and Lorne Campbell conducted a study that proved that women check the sense of humor box on dating websites more often than the attractive appearance box. According to their findings, women think that the ability to make good jokes is connected to high intelligence which, of course, gives such guys the upper hand.

However, a sense of humor is very subjective; you may like one kind of joke and hate another. So, the best component of a successful marriage is having a similar sense of humor. He doesn’t have to be a stand-up comedian, the only thing that matters is that you find his jokes funny.

4. Emotions: He doesn’t hide his emotions to seem more masculine and calm.

Many women want a strong, brave man to call their partner. However, it turns out that being emotional is very important for a successful marriage.

Professor of Psychology Dr. John Gottman watched 130 heterosexual couples for 6 years. In the end, he found that men who are able to listen to their wives, understand their emotions, and express emotions in response have more successful marriages and are less likely to get a divorce.

5. Support: Support during good times is the most important.

Shelly Gable,A psychology professor at the University of California, conducted a study that led to the conclusion that support during good times is more important for partners than the support during bad times.

This is why the husbands, who can be sincerely happy for their wives even when their successes are not colossal, feel more satisfied in marriage than the husbands who support their wives only when they are in trouble. And women feel the same way, too.

6. Work: He wants you to work and develop as a professional.

During the time when feminism began to spread throughout the world, many men were still convinced that women were first and foremost housewives. However, the number of women who want to be good mothers and successful professionals is growing every day. This is why gender equality in marriage is so important. The results of the research show that working women who are supported by men are happier. This means that the likelihood of a divorce is less.

7. Money: He doesn’t try to earn all the money in the world.

Many women want to have a man who can earn a lot of money. More than that, these women are also often financially successful. But scientists from Brigham Young University studied 1,734 couples
and concluded that couples who didn’t consider money the most important thing had more successful marriages than the ones who wanted to earn as much as possible.

Scientists found that men and women who focus on money can’t solve conflicts correctly and be sensitive to one another.

On the other hand, it’s hypocritical to say that money doesn’t matter at all because it causes a lot of conflict too. It’s just important to remember that finances should not dominate other important traits that you value in a partner.

8. Living together: It’s important to co-habitate at a mature age.

A study by Sociologist, Arielle Kuperberg of The University of North Carolina, proved that living together before marriage doesn’t make the risk of the divorce in the future as high. On the contrary, the couples who started living together at a very young age divorce more often.

So, if a man invites you to live with him before marriage at the age of 18, this is probably not the best idea as living together will probably not end well. If decide to live together five years or so later, it is likely that the move will be more well-thought out and that the partner will be a good husband.

9. Childhood: He loves telling stories about his happy time as a kid.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge found that the people who were happy in their childhood are also happier in their adult life. This also influences their marriage. Additionally, happy adults are more likely to stop an unhappy marriage because they have high self-esteem.

But if your relationship is in good shape and your boyfriend often tells you about his happy childhood, the chance that you will have a happy marriage increase.

Which other traits of a perfect husband would you add to this list?

Please note: This article was updated in July 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Illustrated by Igor Polushin for Bright Side


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