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The Internet is full of life hacks for any situation. But do they all really work? We found 10 of the most interesting everyday tricks and tried them ourselves.
Result: It works. In addition, you can check the quality of the bag this way: if it’s authentic, the dye won’t stick to the pad.
Result: Wrinkles disappeared quite fast. The method only works with light clothes, though, (shirts or T-shirts). Heavier items won’t straighten.
Result: If you don’t have a dryer at hand, this is a great way to remove excess moisture from your footwear — it will be dry in 2 hours.
Result: 100% works. The wax coating is invisible and efficiently protects from water. The trick may be useful on a hiking trip or in rainy weather.
Result: Small scratches became less visible, but the more significant ones are still quite prominent.
Result: It works, and fluff is gone. Don’t abuse this trick, though, or you’ll end up tearing your clothes.
Result: This does work, but try the trick on light clothes. And to block armpit stains in future, you can use a thin pantyliner.
Result: All good. A fitness mat instead of a magazine will also do to keep the boots’ shape until next season.
Result: Works great! It can remove not only pen ink but even permanent marker stains.
Result: Worked fine both for small buttons on shirts and for bigger ones on a coat and a winter jacket.