The only thing I literally cannot do even though I've tried, is eating in the morning. A coffee, tea ok, but breakfast? Nope.. no can do :/
15+ Morning Hacks to Snap Out of Feeling Tired All Day
Most people can admit that getting ready in the morning isn’t the most fun thing to do. Luckily, people have come up with all sorts of little tricks to help wake them up and beat fatigue right before they start the day, from changing the lights to starting a conversation.
We at Bright Side want to help you feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when you start your day, so we’re sharing these tips with you.
1. Don’t press the snooze button.

Avoid the temptation to press the snooze button when it wakes you up. This isn’t just to make use of your time — going back to bed means fragmented sleep which can cause fatigue later in the day because it’s better to wake up after your REM cycle, not during it.
2. Walk outside barefoot.
The Earth’s surface has a negative charge and it’s believed you can absorb ions through your feet by exposing them to the ground, especially if you live near forests and beaches. Just remember to put your shoes on before you go to work!
3. Drink a glass of water.

4. Make your bed.
When getting ready for the day, you might be tempted to put off your household chores until you return home from work. But something as simple as making your bed can give you a sense of accomplishment that helps you start the day and can even improve your mood.
5. Stretch your body.

When you sleep, your muscles actually undergo a form of paralysis. Simple exercises, like stretches, release endorphins and give you energy.
6. Improve your home’s aroma.
Certain scents can help you wake up in the morning and get rid of grogginess. Citrus, rosemary, peppermint, and eucalyptus are especially known to help people get ready in the morning. You can smell them in oils or even use soaps with these scents. Just be careful — some scents, like lavender, have the opposite effect.
7. Splash yourself with water.

A cold shower is a classic trick to help wake you up but you don’t need to be that drastic — just any change in temperature will do. Try something like a spritz from a spray bottle in the morning that you can do without even opening your eyes!
8. Turn yourself upside down.
Turning yourself upside down can actually help you fight fatigue. It’s believed that the rush of blood might actually improve circulation and even helps vital organs fall into place. Not everyone can stand on their head, so just lie down with your head resting off the bed or couch or sit on the floor and rest your legs against the wall.
9. Eat breakfast.

When you wake up in the morning, it’s tempting to skip breakfast to give yourself as much time as you can but the truth is, we get our energy from food, so we do need to eat. The trick is to eat something healthy like whole grains or lean protein and it’s also important to eat before you start moving around since this helps you burn calories. Besides, food is delicious — do you really need an excuse to eat?
10. Try coconut oil on toast.
Coconut oil has a special quality about it: unlike other saturated fats, it provides an energy source for the body, rather than just being stored. Not only can it give you energy, but it might also help you burn off fat.
11. Drink less coffee.

We’re not denying that coffee can help perk you up in the morning and it’s a borderline necessity for a lot of people. That said, too much caffeine can bring about fatigue later in the day. The key is moderation: just have a small cup of the stuff in the morning.
12. Have a bite of dark chocolate.
If you want a small snack after breakfast or on your way to work, try some dark chocolate. It’s filled with iron, which gives oxygen to your red blood cells and prevents you from feeling tired or weak. Theobromine, which gives dark chocolate its bitter taste, boosts the central nervous system to help give you energy.
13. Go outside.

Sunlight can help improve your body’s serotonin levels, which not only helps improve your sleep, but it also gives you energy during the day. So if you’re the sporty type, go for a morning jog or just be more willing to do chores that take you outside during the beginning of the day.
14. Turn on the light.

Even being in a room with dim light can give you fatigue so make sure when you wake up that your room is filled with bright lights, whether it’s sunlight or synthetic. It’s only natural; humans weren’t meant to be nocturnal or we’d sleep during the day.
15. Strike up a conversation.

When you’re feeling sleepy, strike up a conversation with a colleague or just someone at the table for breakfast. This can help get your mind going and it’s a behavioral stimulant. In the end, it’s good for your mental health and that’s always important.
16. Stimulate your mind.
Sometimes, all it takes is a little mind over matter to get yourself ready for the day. Try solving a hard puzzle or reading something you wouldn’t normally read just to boost your mental energy. Just remember not to get too distracted from your daily routine. Sometimes, simply telling yourself that you are a morning person is all you need to start believing it yourself.
17. Break up your routine.

We’ve all heard the old expression about how the meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Having a schedule can end up becoming monotonous so mix things up and switch tasks in the morning when you’re feeling tired. Just be practical about it — for example, don’t do any exercise until after you’ve eaten to help burn calories.
What are some little tricks you do to help you start the day off on the right foot, preparing you for the long haul? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments!
I do most of th things in this article, I found it interesting. One thing I NEVER DO or NEVER WILL DO. Is have breakfast. Don't come for me all you breakfast people lol, but I just can't get my self to do it. I have a coffee before my morning run and that's it. Believe me I have tried to eat breakfast, but it ot just makes me feel or sluggish and not have any energy to to go for my morning runs. I have to fasting days a week which help me with all my medical issues immensely, then on days I do decide to have lunch, it is just cheese and crackers with boiled eggs, accompanied by an Iced coffee as my cold beverage. I make sure I eat around 12pm 12.30 at the latest make sure it is a good decent lunch then make sure I finish eating baby 1.30pm to 2pm latest. So then I have room for a small light dinner, the a green tea before bed. So that sims up my daily routine, that none of you clearly were totally not interested about and got bored shitless reading it maybe a ned time story where ever night time is in your part of the world and fellow asleep through the first few words lol. Take care Vicky
You always hear people talk about not snoozing but man it's just so hard not to... my exams are finished and now it's even worse.
I think I'm a morning person, I always feel a lot of energy early on in the day but after 5 I just get super tired
I love this article

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