
A Man Rescues 500 Abandoned Dogs and Gets Them a New Home While Driving Across Mexico on His Tricycle

A Man Rescues 500 Abandoned Dogs and Gets Them a New Home While Driving Across Mexico on His Tricycle
4 years ago

Kind people can be found everywhere, and in Mexico, a man is proof of this. He has won the hearts of people around the world by showing his own good heart. This is Edgardo and he decided to go on a trip through his country on his tricycle, but his love for animals made him begin a charitable quest on the road: To rescue the poorest homeless dogs he encountered during his journey and provide them with a new opportunity in life.

An Artist From Mexico Uses a Pan as a Canvas and Creates Edible Art From Eggs

An Artist From Mexico Uses a Pan as a Canvas and Creates Edible Art From Eggs
4 years ago

Eggs cooked in a pan don’t have to just be for breakfast. And Michele Baldini from Mexico knows everything about this. He’s a 21-year-old guy who’s studying medicine and who creates “eggscellent” art. He posts his work on an Instagram account called The Eggshibit. This all started about 4 years ago. “One day I saw a yin and yang symbol made out of a fried egg and I decided to give it a shot. To my surprise, it came out quite well! After that I just kept getting ideas of things that could be made with fried eggs,” explained Michele. And the results are truly “eggstraordinary!”

What If You Can Stop Time but for Only 1 Minute

What If You Can Stop Time but for Only 1 Minute
year ago

Oh boy, you can’t stop seeing images of funny pandas on your final exam sheet. All those late night YouTube videos hit you hard, huh? You scribble down some words hoping that something makes sense. You look at your watch and realize you’ve got only 10 minutes to finish. Panic mode is officially on. But no one knows your watch has a pinch of magic in it.You click the stop button on your watch and relax. Don’t worry, no one will turn to dust and half the universe won’t disappear. You simply freeze everything in time except yourself. With this ability, you can stop the time for 1 minute a [=1] day. So, after freezing the time, you get to one of your classmates, take a picture of the assignment, and head back to your seat. You unfreeze the time and write down the proper answer. Phew! At least you can guarantee a passing grade. (Um I’m Steve from Legal: Wanna make sure you know that Bright Side does not condone cheating on a test. Okay, carry on...)

A Woman Ate Some Cookies That Tasted Strange and Almost Cried When She Realized Why

A Woman Ate Some Cookies That Tasted Strange and Almost Cried When She Realized Why
year ago

In many cultures, some foods might seem strange to us. In Southeast Asia, people eat roasted insects on the streets, and in communities in Mexico, they eat crickets. Although for some people eating these things may sound strange, for others, it is their daily routine and a good source of protein. This girl had her good nutritional portion when she didn’t realize that there was a special ingredient in her cookies.

Mexican Children Built Houses for Street Dogs Using Recycled Materials and We’re in Awe of Them

Mexican Children Built Houses for Street Dogs Using Recycled Materials and We’re in Awe of Them
5 years ago

When showing examples of humanity and empathy, children often become the ultimate protagonists, and the story below is no exception. At the Zacatecas Educational Institute elementary school in Mexico, 35 children built shelters for stray dogs using the recycled materials they had at home. Their ingenuity went viral on social networks, and everyone wants to know where the idea came from.

18 People Who Would Hardly Be Able to Forget Their Vacation

18 People Who Would Hardly Be Able to Forget Their Vacation
month ago

Everyone wants their vacation to be full of positive emotions and unforgettable experiences, but sometimes plans have to be changed along the way. Those who travel a lot know that it’s almost impossible to stay away from adventures and curious situations. The heroes of this article experienced stories exactly like this.

People Found “Alien Mummies” at Peru Airport, But Scientists Just Revealed Something Disturbing

People Found “Alien Mummies” at Peru Airport, But Scientists Just Revealed Something Disturbing
8 months ago

The discovery of “alien mummies” at a Peru airport has captured global attention. Previously, journalist and UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan showcased the specimens during a congressional event on UFOs. Maussan boldly asserted that the bodies, purportedly discovered near the enigmatic ancient Nazca lines in Peru, bore no resemblance to terrestrial life forms. However, as scientists delve deeper into the enigma surrounding these mysterious artifacts, they have unveiled something even more unsettling.

What Happened to Ronnie Coleman, and What the Bodybuilder Is Doing Now

What Happened to Ronnie Coleman, and What the Bodybuilder Is Doing Now
9 months ago

Coleman is the household name in the late ’90s and early 2000s bodybuilding scene! Thanks to his strength and excellent performance, he is recognized as one of the strongest bodybuilders ever. For example, he achieved records for performances like his iconic 800-pound squat, which got people around the world stunned. He beat records and secured the Mr. Olympia title eight times, and was called “The King”. After many years of his successful career, we somehow lost the famous bodybuilder out of the public eye. That’s why we decided to find out the answer to the popular question: “What happened to Ronnie Coleman?”

Salma Hayek, 57, Reveals the Technique That Keeps Her Waistline at 24 inch, and It’s NOT Exercise nor Diet

Salma Hayek, 57, Reveals the Technique That Keeps Her Waistline at 24 inch, and It’s NOT Exercise nor Diet
year ago

Salma Hayek has been captivating audiences this summer with her stunning bikini photos shared on Instagram. Despite being a seasoned Hollywood star, she continues to exude a slender and youthful appearance in her vacation snapshots taken along the Mediterranean coastline with her family. The 57-year-old actress recently revealed her secret to maintaining her svelte figure, and surprisingly, it doesn’t solely rely on rigorous exercise.

A Man Captures a Terrifying Creature While Sunbathing on the Beach

A Man Captures a Terrifying Creature While Sunbathing on the Beach
year ago

Has it ever happened to you that you’re enjoying your vacation at the beach when suddenly you find a strange animal buried in the sand? In most cases, you examine the specimen and continue your vacation. But what would you do if you found the creature alive? This is what happened to a swimmer in Mexico, who was able to record an unknown creature walking along the seashore.

If You See This on Your Christmas Tree, Throw It Out ASAP

If You See This on Your Christmas Tree, Throw It Out ASAP

A weird white spot on a banana is a sure sign you probably wanna throw them away as these are the nests of spiders. I’m talking about the Brazilian wandering spider, as it has no GPS. And this guy is dangerous, also known as the world’s most venomous spider. One bite and your nervous system is instantly blocked — as a nasty bonus you get nausea and blurred vision. Don’t worry, they’re most likely to be found in South America, but since they like to hide, they can sneak into the banana box and travel wherever the bananas travel. They like to travel in their sack and there is evidence of a mama spider traveling together with her baby spiders. Oh, goody!

What Happened to Asteroid After It Wiped Out Dinosaurs

What Happened to Asteroid After It Wiped Out Dinosaurs
year ago

BOOM! An explosion of supersonic waves, interplanetary heat, dust, fumes... The Earth’s atmosphere has been invaded by a cosmic rock the size of Everest! A few seconds ago, this rock, weighing trillions of tons, was hurtling towards Earth. It could fly from New York to Anchorage faster than you could fry yourself an omelet! This monster’s name? The Chicxulub incident. Epic name, right!66 million years ago, it crashed into the Earth. Back then, dinosaurs ruled the planet. But not for long! The epic collision took place in modern Mexico, in the Yucatán Peninsula, right near Cancun, where the dinosaurs were vacationing! Well probably not. Still, the huge space rock hit the ocean, but even all that water couldn’t stop the inevitable.The collision caused a huge amount of energy to be released. The horror on a planetary scale had begun! Imagine a mini sun lighting up the surface of the Earth, with tsunamis the height of the Statue of Liberty bursting from the epicenter of the watery impact. Hmm. Not good.

10+ Celebrity Couples Whose Love Is Ony Getting Stronger With Years

10+ Celebrity Couples Whose Love Is Ony Getting Stronger With Years
year ago

Finding true love is not easy, especially in the world of showbiz. Relationships in this industry are often fleeting, making it challenging to keep up with the ever-changing dating scene. However, a few couples defy the odds and stand the test of time. They build a life together, raising children, exploring the world, and gracefully aging side by side. Their enduring love story serves as a remarkable inspiration to all of us.

A Man Saves for Two Years and Surprises Everyone When He Breaks His Piggy Bank

A Man Saves for Two Years and Surprises Everyone When He Breaks His Piggy Bank
year ago

Saving is a great habit that brings many benefits for the future, such as being ready for an unforeseen event, a medical emergency, or possible unemployment. The truth is that not all of us are consistent enough to sustain it for many days. But not so for a man in Monterrey, Mexico, who for two years was constantly filling the piggy bank and surprised the entire Internet with the result.

The Story of Keely Shaye, Who Shows Us That Personality Is More Important Than Beauty

The Story of Keely Shaye, Who Shows Us That Personality Is More Important Than Beauty
year ago

Keely Shaye is an inspiring personality who has made a name for herself in the world of journalism, environmental activism, and documentary filmmaking. She is not just the wife of Pierce Brosnan. Her positive attitude, strength, and determination serve as an inspiration to many, proving that one’s inner qualities and character are what truly matter in life.

“I Want to Colonize Mars,” 11YO Child Prodigy With IQ Higher Than Einstein Shares Near-Future Plans

“I Want to Colonize Mars,” 11YO Child Prodigy With IQ Higher Than Einstein Shares Near-Future Plans
year ago

Adhara Pérez, a young girl from Mexico, has captured widespread acclaim due to her extraordinary intellectual abilities. Born in 2011, this exceptional young prodigy has been acknowledged for her remarkable intelligence, surpassing even legendary geniuses in IQ. The delightful news is that Adhara promises to significantly contribute to our understanding of the universe in the coming years.

Scientists Discovered a Huge River Under Black Sea

Scientists Discovered a Huge River Under Black Sea
11 months ago

Let us play a little guessing game, shall we? Can you name the sixth-largest river on Earth in terms of volume? That’s the amount of water that flows through a waterway. The first couple of rivers are easy to list. Number one is, of course, the Amazon River [South America]. Then we have the Congo [Africa] and the Ganges [India]. Feel free to name all the rivers on the planet. You won’t get any closer to the answer. Why? Because this river is not on the surface but underneath the waves of the Black Sea.