Booking a place to stay while traveling can be stressful enough, but it’s not always the hardest part of the trip. Even places that seem clean and secure at first can end up giving you a nasty surprise. From weird encounters to unexpected issues with the room, hotel stays can turn into horror stories you weren’t planning to tell.
Good conversations can spark great things, or at least good thoughts. But what happens when you come across people who have a limited viewpoint, the kind who don’t know much about anything? Here are some Redditors who had the strangest of conversations with colleagues and co-workers, making for some indelible, if hilarious memories.
You are not alone if you've ever wondered why things were feeling not right, unable to shake off a strange anxiety. Most of us have had unexplained anxiety at some point in our lives, and this may be your body's way of telling you something is wrong. It's important to pay attention to yourself and try to figure out what's wrong. Below are some simple hacks shared by people, that fixed their uneasiness, and might just work for you too.
Technology is all fun and games until it feels like you need a PhD just to turn something on. These 10 stories highlight moments when tech became so complex, it might as well have been rocket science. They’ll make rebooting your laptop feel like a breeze in comparison.
Childhood memories never fade. It’s impossible to forget the fortress of pillows, the taste of water from a hose and finger batteries. In adulthood, you won’t find such adventures anymore. But sometimes you can return for a moment to those times when the main transport was a bicycle and summer seemed endless, thanks to our childhood memories.
From eerie encounters in the dark night to inexplicable occurrences in broad daylight, the world is brimming with stories of the unsettling. Diving into this world, 10 people have courageously stepped forward to share their encounters with the creepiest phenomena they’ve ever witnessed. Brace yourself as we embark on a journey through the chilling narratives that defy explanations.
Here are the products that’ll have you saying, “Where have you been all my life?” And we have a lot of buyers’ opinions to prove this point. Now, let’s meet these superheroes of comfort, the champions of practicality, and the wizards of problem-solving.
You check under the sofa. Nope. You open the cupboard. Not there. You lie down on the floor and sneak a peek under your bed. Nah. No kitties there, just dust bunnies. Then, where’s your cat?! Oh no, could that crazy pet slip out through the back door?A wave of panic overwhelms you, and you bolt outside. Your backyard, once green and blooming, is now covered with a thick layer of rock-hard asphalt. Several large fake plants in pots make the dull landscape somewhat more upbeat.
Well, it’s that time of year again: Spring cleaning! Making your way outside, you grab the duster and broom to get rid of all those cobwebs on your windows. They don’t stand a chance this time! Removing one cobweb after the other, you suddenly notice some weird shaped mud stuck under the eaves and porch! What’s this?It suddenly dawns on you: these have to be Mud Dauber Wasp nests! You’re probably thinking there’s a swarm of them around with so many nests being side by side! Luckily, Mud Dauber Wasps are solitary insects. Phew! All those little mud huts are filled with paralyzed spiders. Sometimes, even up to 500 spiders can be trapped in these lockers, just waiting for the wasp young to hatch.
If you’ve ever watched a cartoon about an elephant, you’ve surely noticed a scene where this huge animal is running from a small mouse. That’s because the myth surrounding them — the one about elephants being scared of mice — is as big and powerful as these animals are. It turns out elephants do not have any particular dread of these small rodents. But they don’t see well and tend to move a bit slowly. So, they may be spooked by a faster-moving animal or even a bird if they are caught off guard. Speaking of myths surrounding animals, we’ve all been told at one point that bats are blind.
You wake up with your head feeling heavy. Ummm... 1, where’s your comfy bed? And 2, why were you just sleeping on the wet and dirty ground in the middle of nowhere. Wait, what’s all this stuff around you? Are you in... the Jungle?
It’s just a regular day. As usual, you’re taking a shower before starting to get ready for work. Everything is going as planned — until it isn’t. One clumsy move, some water spilled on the floor — and you’re flapping your arms in the air, your body nearing the floor with frightening speed. Everything goes black. The first thing you hear is a high-pitched whining in your head. Ouch, your head! Ugh. You carefully get up. There’s no blood — and that’s good. An even better thing is that the annoying noise stops abruptly. Holding your head, you leave the bathroom — and almost stumble over your cat Milo.
The time we spend in our homes is considerable. Why not turn your home into a comfortable and fun place? With the help of certain items, you can do it without much effort and without breaking the bank. We’ve reviewed some fun products on Amazon that can help you do just this.
You run through the night forest for more than an hour. You’re even faster than a cheetah. You’re not tired or cold. You hear a mouse rustling in the roots of a tree and catch all the smells of the forest. With night vision, you see a bird in the night sky. You can go for months without food or water. Gills allow you to swim underwater freely. This is how evolution made humans in a parallel world. Here, they’re ideal organisms prepared for anything they might meet in the wild.
Who wouldn’t dream of sipping a cocktail by the pool and taking a conference call from work at the same time? Nowadays, this is totally possible. But this dream couldn’t happen without bags for laptops. Put your laptop in a secure bag and go on a journey, enjoy life, and earn income while you travel. Research shows that changing your workplace can help you be happier and, therefore, more productive. With this list of the best laptop bags from Amazon that we’ve compiled, you’ll be able to find the right one for you.
When you work from home, organizing a dedicated workspace will help you focus on important things. And if you always work in one place, you have the opportunity to leave work for rest, albeit only in another room. Taking care of the design of the place where we spend such a significant part of our lives is also worth it because, according to research, this affects your condition and the quality of your work! In this collection from Amazon, you will find inspirational ideas for transforming your desktop.
According to research, people upgrade their smartphones every 3 years, wireless headphones — every 3.2 years, smartwatches — every 3.4 years, and laptops — every 4.8 years.The huge Black Friday sale on Amazon is the perfect time to think about upgrading some of your electronic devices in light of the upcoming holidays. That’s why we carefully looked through and picked 10 juicy deals from Amazon that let you get new devices at an affordable price.
There are more than 8 million animal species in nature, and each looks different. Sometimes it seems to us that some of them are simply made to be affectionate and cute, such as a lazy panda or a funny prairie dog. However, even these animals have adapted to the harsh world around them and can be quite dangerous to humans.
Inventors are always “cooking up” some new and useful gadgets to make our everyday lives easier. Whether they are created to save time, money, or simply calm our nerves, we don’t really know just how much we need some inventions until we try them ourselves.
There are more than 700,000 hotels in the world and each of us has visited at least a couple of them. Some have even been to a dozen of them or more. Usually, we choose a hotel via the internet and we know what to expect from the room. But still, many of them hold surprises for us.
If you can’t find your pet in your own house, don’t panic. Chances are, they’ve mastered the art of camouflage, just like the heroes of our article. Cats, dogs, and even a pet mouse — they all can disappear in plain sight, like chameleons, merging with the background. Some of them are so good at it, they can even “mimic” the texture of blankets, rugs, and other household items, which makes finding them even harder.
We all do strange things sometimes, and our brains sometimes make us feel really embarrassed. But there are some people that gave their brains a rest, resulting in stories the entire internet deserves to know.
Keeping a cup of water in your microwave, paper in your shoes, or dryer sheets on your radiator might just be the life hacks you never knew you needed. With a little imagination and out-of-the-box thinking, there are all kinds of tricks that make life just a little bit easier or even more efficient.
It’s not often that we see animals that are so small they can make themselves comfortable on our palms, but when it happens it’s a very enjoyable experience. A baby owlet that has just taken shower and is now cuddling in a blanket, a duckling that falls asleep in your hands, or a newborn mouse that’s so small you can only feed it with a paintbrush. The heroes of our article are tiny, sweet, and vulnerable, and they’ll make you feel warm and fuzzy till the end of the day.
If you’ve always wanted to understand your personality more, there are some tests that might help you. Just relax, get comfortable, and take a look at the images below. Don’t think for too long or try to understand the picture. The only thing you need to do is to answer the question and have a look at the result.
There are 3 types of computer users: the ones who use their mouse, those who use their keyboard, and those who prefer talking to Cortana or Siri. No matter which category you fall into, you can’t deny the immense usefulness of certain shortcuts and hacks that reveal the unknown possibilities your computer always had. These smart tricks improve your everyday computer experience and give an absolute boost in your productivity and in your security.