15 People Who Prove That Pets Are Just Like Family

year ago

Pets have incredible power over us. They can make us do the most absurd things without batting an eye, from singing ridiculously improvised songs to our cats to dancing moves to entertain our dogs. They’ve mastered the art of manipulating us with their cuteness, and in this article, we’ll show you 20 pets who know how to get what they want.

1. “I couldn’t resist sharing a pic of both the boys settling into the cat nook I made.”

2. “My parents dog who I got to see over the holidays.”

3. “I took my pet ducks to look around since they love browsing stores.”

4. “My husband: She’s asleep! I’m fine eating dinner on the floor.”

5. “Sous chef”

6. “Being a keyboard is hard work.”

7. “My wife doesn’t eat her pizza crusts, but Jacob is happy to steal them the first chance he gets.”

8. “The entire litter came and decided I was their sleeping pile.”

9. “She shared the pie with our other fur babies.”

10. “Spoon-feeding my gargoyle gecko”

11. “My building has a feral cat that we all help feed. My neighbor got her a heated home.”

12. “I finally found a bed Leeroy Jenkins will sleep in!”

13. It’s take your dog to work day.

14. “My golden found her rubber pacifier she’d lost as a puppy.”

15. “I used to think my cat just liked the flavor of my hair gel. But then...”

As we love our furry friends, we must be aware of unintentional actions or behaviors that may negatively impact them. We might unknowingly contribute to our pets’ compromised well-being from inadequate exercise or nutrition to overlooking signs of discomfort or stress.

Recognizing these potential oversights and educating ourselves proactively ensures we provide the best care possible for our furry friends.

Preview photo credit conflenti / Tiktok


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